Example sentences of "almost [adv] [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Consciousness appears to be almost wholly dominated by language as the medium of thought and expression , so that the entire surface of cognitive processes and voluntary responses appears to be channelled through language .
2 What the professor does not tell the reporter is that , although exact values are unknown , a range of possible values , given the data , is quite well established and almost uniformly accepted by experts .
3 And no one saw him in the street ; that little turning is almost entirely occupied by people who are out at work all day . ’
4 Outside the air was cold , and in the small space almost entirely surrounded by walls there was little light .
5 Raymond Lully featured among them , though in apocryphal form , as the subject of a singular conversion experience : inflamed by illicit passion for a married woman , he would brook no denial until she took him to her house and there , in the presence of her husband , bared to Raymond 's astonished eyes a breast almost entirely devoured by cancer .
6 The Ethiopian Region , for example , which included Africa south of the Sahara as well as Arabia , was almost entirely enclosed by oceans .
7 The narrow coastal plain between the mountain rampart and the sea is covered by Eocene flysch , and in the largest area of flat land in Dalmatia , the plain between Zadar and Šibenik , the underlying limestone is almost entirely masked by flysch .
8 They are almost entirely produced by damage to peripheral nerves or to roots or to the central nervous system .
9 In Nephila , increased male mortality during the adult search phase is almost exactly counteracted by reduction in juvenile male growth stages .
10 Care of a personal kind and care which is long term and continuous is almost always provided by kin .
11 In the post-war period , Hollywood began to atone for its blatantly racist depictions of blacks with sporadic anti-racist films , almost always directed by whites .
12 Personal injury cases are almost always tried by judges alone , and receive recompense on a scale which can be predicted with some accuracy by reference to recent cases .
13 The main source for the history of Jacobitism is the Stuart papers , but they have survived only in part for the period before 1715 , since the Stuart papers kept at the Scots College in Paris were almost totally destroyed by fire during the French Revolution .
14 ‘ There 's no doubt at all that the workload of the A&E department at night is almost totally generated by alcohol .
15 The impression that post-war production was almost totally dominated by Rank and his subsidiary companies is largely accurate .
16 We looked at channel activation , either by voltage or by ligands , and decided that activation is almost invariably achieved by effects on the gating mechanism .
17 The usual order is judgment for arrears of rent to date of termination of the tenancy , and for mesne profits to date of hearing and thereafter mesne profits at a daily rate and ( almost invariably calculated by reference to the rent ) from the date of hearing until actual possession is given up .
18 Furthermore , verbal communication , the prime way of exchanging meaning between human beings who have acquired spoken language , is almost invariably accompanied by communication in non-verbal channels .
19 For the sake of convenience this will be left for Chapter 5 though it is essential to remember that the data collected through social surveys are almost exclusively obtained by means of this method .
20 In his History of Chelsea ( 1869 ) George Bryan remarked how the King 's Road was once almost exclusively occupied by farmers and gardeners and one of its greatest attractions for many years afterwards was the preponderance of nursery and floricultural grounds to be found there .
21 Homeworking , ( paid work done in the home , for example , sewing garments ) is another form of work almost exclusively performed by women and usually entails poor rates of pay and insecure forms of labour contract .
22 The buildings were damaged by the fall of the campanile but rebuilt , just in time to be almost completely razed by fire .
23 Abundance thus rapidly acquired by those who were ignorant of its proper application hastened the progress of luxury and licentiousness , and the lower orders were almost universally corrupted by profusion and depravity scarcely to be credited by those who are strangers to our district .
24 Its editorial was almost certainly inspired by Sir Walter .
25 Can you not imagine the world-wide reaction when it is learnt that not only is America responsible for this potential disaster but that it was almost certainly caused by treason in the highest American military echelons ?
26 Although almost certainly influenced by Astell 's Serious Proposal to the Ladies ( 1694 ) , she attached little importance to the role of education in achieving greater equality between the sexes .
27 True drama unfolded in the third round of the Men 's Vauxhall Indoor Tennis Trophy for more than one reason , as reigning champions David Lloyd , Slazenger Heston were almost certainly dethroned by event newcomers Royal Berkshire , and Team Excel Bath missed out on a golden opportunity to displace last year 's Area 8 champions West Hants .
28 It was almost certainly acquired by George III who had it bound in the present red morocco , gilt tooled binding which has been reproduced for the facsimile .
29 The Lake House ( sometimes called the Orangery ) which stands in the grounds of Frampton Court , was almost certainly designed by William Halfpenny or his son John , who lived near Bristol in the 1740s .
30 Many of the specimen trees which are still in the park were almost certainly planted by Webb at the time , and the elegant arched orangery in the garden must have been built to his designs .
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