Example sentences of "carry [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He at once declared his intention to carry on as Prime Minister .
2 If non-farming activities reach the VAT registration threshold , farmers will be required to register for all their activities , farming and non-farming , and will not be able to carry on as flat rate farmers .
3 You do n't need any further underwriting to carry on at that level , but you can do .
4 You should be feeling slimmer this morning , and it should encourage you to carry on for another day .
5 Contrary to her firm intention of not breakfasting with Ven , however , since he was standing by the table which was set for two when she again entered the sitting-room , she thought it would be infantile in the extreme to carry on with that intention .
6 ‘ I applaud Myra 's loyalty , but it 's stupid to carry on with this charade of twins . ’
7 ‘ And try to carry on with this truce ? ’
8 The doctors said they did n't know how I managed to carry on in such pain . ’
9 ‘ Insulting , then , ’ she agreed quietly , determined not to lose her temper , although if he was going to carry on in that vein the chances of her keeping it for very long were absolutely nil .
10 But how did Charlie feel kissing and making love to one of the pop world 's latest idol , especially , as some on-set mischief makers suggested the two had got on so well , their celluloid games carried on into real life .
11 For example , what if Mr Heath had won the February 1974 general election , as he nearly did , and carried on as Prime Minister ?
12 It is only in the states of Western Europe , in the countries of the British Commonwealth , in the United States of America , and in a few Latin-American states that government is carried on with due regard to the limitations imposed by a Constitution ; it is only in these states that truly ‘ constitutional government ’ can be said to exist …
13 Joanne had carried on with normal life as best she could , even going to discos at seven months pregnant , and all-night parties .
14 Or the quarry would have carried on with this slate mine .
15 No doubt he himself would have difficulties : but he thought that the Conservatives , without entering into any general undertaking , would support his Government , which would not embark upon any extravagant legislation ; and in this way the King 's Government might be carried on for another Session or even longer .
16 If Attlee had carried on for another year , and the economy had turned round , Labour might still be in power .
17 If things carried on at this pace , she and Johnny would find themselves meeting every day .
18 That the document containing the statement was produced by the computer during a period over which the computer was used regularly to store or process information for the purposes of any activity regularly carried on over that period , whether for profit or not , by any body , whether corporate or not , or by any individual ;
19 Could a related business activity be carried on within one area of the shop by any of the family members without registering for VAT ( the turnover of this activity is expected to be low ) ?
20 Subject to the above , the related activity could be carried on within one area of the shop by any of the family .
21 is carried on by private study under supervision .
22 Arguments over the validity of the notice and justification of the motives of the partners serving it are better left to an appropriate tribunal ( judge , arbitrator or mediator ) than carried on in acrimonious correspondence .
23 They travel great distances , carried along on floating pack-ice .
24 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
25 In terms of the revenue output it 's a hundred and forty three thousand below the estimates and it was agreed that any variations would be carried over into next year .
26 With bad blood carried over from last year 's clash between the two sides which saw Eric Rush retire from the fray with a broken wrist , the portents were not good .
27 Ball missed the opening three matches of the season because of a suspension carried over from last season , and then served a two match ban last month for reaching 21 points .
28 There has been no excavation to prove it , but it looks as though the concrete track foundations were carried through to solid ground , as were the main foundations at the upper part of the incline .
29 Nevertheless he was able to show that , despite all this , the Company had , by a great act of faith , begun and carried through to partial completion a programme of overall improvement rather than just piecemeal adjustments .
30 Many cognitive processes are carried through without conscious awareness .
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