Example sentences of "carry [noun pl] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The BBC Crimewatch programme will also carry photographs of the suspect , whose name has not yet been released .
2 The trouble began after spectators carrying flags of the opposition Mohajir National Movement gathered near a high steel fence outside the general enclosure and shouted slogans expressing their opposition to a visit to Pakistan planned by Indian film stars .
3 Is n't it also true that the European union or community or whatever you like to call it , is also intending to introduce a compulsory identity card in the form of a smart card carrying details of the citizen 's health , but which would have ample room to put all sorts of other things on .
4 On the other side of the road , outside the HMV record shop a horde of young girls mobbed a limousine , carrying members of the group Duran Duran to a personal appearance .
5 Tolba 's ideas carry echoes of the argument in the 1970s over the New International Economic Order in which the Third World lined up to demand compensation in the form of aid and technology transfers for the ‘ looting ’ of their resources by Western imperialism .
6 The police , who were carrying out an operation to recover illegal arms in Muhajir-populated areas , opened fire on the crowd which included women and children , many of whom carried copies of the Quran on their heads in a traditional sign of protest .
7 It carried accounts of the debates in the British Parliament as well as reports on local cricket matches , and leavened its rather serious tone with Victorian English jokes .
8 Both these newspapers carried accounts of the landings and the important part played by Lovat 's 1st Commando Brigade .
9 Chant 's skin and syntax carried traces of the immigrant .
10 The twilit subterranean chambers carried undertones of the cave sanctuaries .
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