Example sentences of "carry [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although every ideology forms its own criteria and language of evaluation , it is doubly difficult to be discriminating and to carry through a particular form of objectivity when reading accounts of conservation in socialist or ‘ socialist ’ countries .
2 This level of provision represents a very substantial commitment of resources to the enterprise bodies and it should be sufficient to enable them to carry through the wide range of tasks expected of them and to build on their excellent first year of operation .
3 The ability of Margaret Thatcher 's government to carry through the radical departure from ‘ consensus ’ economic policies in the 1980s was not inhibited by civil service power , although there were titanic struggles and some officials were replaced by others more sympathetic to the government 's policies .
4 Greece is not , on the evidence of the past , the sort of place to carry through the democratic reconstruction it now needs .
5 I undertook to make it one of the priorities of our presidency of the European Community later this year to carry through an improved trade and co-operation agreement with Russia .
6 This also allowed him to carry off the Irish championship
7 As flagship of the quartet , N185 carried aboard the then Secretary of State for Air , Sir Samuel Hoare .
8 I was horn in March 1947 , at the peak of the Bulge : more babies horn that month than ever before or after , and carried through the terrible winter of 1946–47 .
9 The unusual theme was carried through the entire wedding , with vodka and schnapps served at the back of the church .
10 The district general hospital ( DGH ) units carried through the first stage of devolution of services .
11 The oral hygiene index carried about the same level of increased risk for total mortality as for the incidence of coronary heart disease .
12 To nine patients out of ten she was the first hospital sister with whom they had been confronted , and the great majority , when they walked , were pushed , or were carried for the first time through the double doors of our main entrance , were very apprehensive and trying to hide the fact .
13 You will now appreciate the load I have carried for the greater part of my life .
14 Add the possible problem with the wart , her upset at being all but mobbed by the crowd on a very hot day , and her apparently being carried off a true course in the straight by Achilles , and you have a long menu of excuses or explanations .
15 Edward I also became involved with the Scots by claiming the right of arbitration between the rivals for the Scottish throne , at the end of 1290 , and he installed a puppet government in the lowlands of Scotland and carried off the traditional coronation stone from Scone , transporting it to Westminster .
16 Coal for the mill 's steam engine was carried up the steep hill on donkeys .
17 The coffin was carried into a small sitting-room and Gabriel was left alone with it .
18 ‘ It was all cooked together , Inspector , but that for the high table was placed there , ’ Auguste explained , pointing to a corner table , ‘ and the rest was carried into the other kitchen , which is usually used for the preparation of food and storage .
19 The aldermanic principle was carried into the new county councils , and there were other indications that power would not easily be dispersed : ‘ the provisions for decentralisation … were whittled away , and in the end very little was left of the grand scheme of devolution ’ ( Redlich and Hirst 1958:207 ) .
20 This combination of class and status was carried into the twentieth century .
21 As this conception of medical activity was carried into the nineteenth century , so did the changing medical model in some way foster the quest for truth in bodies .
22 During autumn he puts out his invisible lines that can only be seen under the microscope of the sun beams , and he is carried into the deep ocean , a balloonist travelling to an unknown destination .
23 unc The numerator carried into the tenths column leaves a remainder which is carried into the hundredths column .
24 unc The numerator carried into the tenths column leaves a remainder which is carried into the hundredths column .
25 The murmur of chanting voices carried above the far-distant thunder of the Grand Trunk Road , the old Mughal highway linking the farms of the Punjab with the bazaars of Delhi .
26 Developed from a vast influx of sand that was carried onto the low rock basement by a rising sea level over the last seven or eight thousand years ( Ritchie , 1985 ) , machair with its essentially base-rich , alkaline , free-draining soils has provided a distinctive landscape element .
27 The glider circled the escarpment and was carried with the warm air currents into the upper atmosphere .
28 They were being carried along a man-made gorge — a yellow road of sandstone flags between two red cliffs of plastered wall which sloped inward at the top , towards the building they were encircling .
29 Three swords and two sceptres were carried before the English king at his coronation in 1189 : the sceptre with the cross probably signifying power and justice , the sceptre with the dove , equity and mercy , while the three swords may have been associated singly with authority , mercy and justice .
30 The remaining two men received sentences of nine months ( suspended for two years ) for allowing themselves to be carried in a stolen vehicle .
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