Example sentences of "carry [adv] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Angelica 's thinking that a bag of garbage has probably been carried along on the night swell and has become caught up amongst the pillars and the metal cross-tics ; there will always be somebody who 'll think that a couple of heavy stones and a drop out over the deepest part of the lake are an adequate way of disposing of all their empty cans and peelings and plate-scrapings .
2 It was n't the same corridor : it was narrower than the one they 'd been carried along on the transporter .
3 The October revolution had been carried through on the assumption that Russia , although a relatively backward country and hardly ‘ ripe ’ for revolution in a Marxist sense , could help to bring about a European and later a worldwide transition to a communist social order .
4 I was carried away on the wave of enthusiasm which , one could almost feel this physically , bore the speaker along from sentence to sentence .
5 Simply , he had been carried away on the potency of his own vision , and come to believe himself infallible .
6 Her words were carried away on the breeze , to join the tumult of sounds .
7 Tug felt the call to join her , to leap to his feet and let himself be carried up on the tide , into a high and heroic world .
8 It was carried back on the blowing sand , but it moved unhurriedly forward .
9 An incomplete or sloppy check carried out on the canopy can be lethal , because if it comes off it is a matter of luck whether it hits or misses the tail .
10 We walked along the intersecting tyke walls and met a voluntary warden eager to talk to us about some of the work carried out on the reserve .
11 The term ‘ stock-taking ’ refers to a physical check carried out on the bookstock to ensure that the library still actually has all of the items listed in its catalogue or shelf register .
12 In experiments carried out on the land , crop yields of beet and clover were half of those on the field treated with manure .
13 As she points out : Remarkably little research has been carried out on the question of how these filters operate , and by whom they are operated , yet any policies aimed at harmonizing the interests of agriculture , conservation and recreation in the countryside must be based upon an understanding of this problem .
14 SPAR 's behaviour seems better if two conditions apply : that the reasoner is known to be less reliable than the linguistic part of the system , as it might be if the texts processed describe a relatively open domain ; and that , as for example , in a machine translation task , no further non-linguistic processing will be carried out on the reading accepted .
15 Laboratory experiments carried out on the subject have proved , almost always , frustrating .
16 There is still a great deal to be learnt about early Anglo-Saxon society , both as a result of new excavations , the publication of older ones and research carried out on the wealth of material already published or in museums .
17 On a crude arithmetical basis if the same proportion of murders were carried out on the mainland of Britain in relation to the population we 'd have had a thousand dead in the past eight days .
18 Instructions contained in the owner 's manual state that adjustment should be carried out on the tip opposite to the direction of turn by reducing the angle of incidence , one setting at a time , following which a flight test must be carried out .
19 But video films of fires carried out on the test rig suggest that alarms will sound too late .
20 CHECKED-BY a check has been carried out on the module at this point , probably as part of a quality inspection
21 Research was carried out on the stability of such ferries , which took some time .
22 Staff training : this should be carried out on the day of commencement or the day immediately preceding .
23 Although much work remains to be carried out on the coach , including repairs to windows and roof , restoration of interior compartments and finally repainting in L & SWR salmon pink and brown livery , it is hoped to complete the restoration within a year where the LSWR carriage will join the TVR coach and the two GWR coaches to form a very unique vintage train and to move the Gwili further up the valley .
24 The maintenance carried out on the aquarium was a regular 10% water change and a regular ( every two weeks ) larger water change of 20% using an aquarium gravel cleaner to rid the gravel of unwanted waste .
25 Detailed observations were carried out on the behaviour of the students during the actual course , and both students and teachers were interviewed as to their feelings in participating in this form of instruction .
26 Norman had become a bit weary of struggling through the Edinburgh traffic jams from his home in Strathaven each day for 16 months since being asked by Peter Wood , then Managing Director of Financial Services Division , to take over the running of RBIS while a management consultancy exercise was carried out on the company by the Boston Consultancy Group .
27 But , above all , more intensive studies need to be carried out on the pottery of the second half of the fourth century to ensure a greater refinement in dating .
28 The MEng project will be carried out on the sponsor 's premises .
29 Similarly , Protagon have had tests carried out on the performance significance of being able to adjust string tensions .
30 Seston T O N So sea water analysis then is carried out on the water which passes through the forty five mu filter .
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