Example sentences of "carry [prep] them the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If taken to extremes , such policies carried within them the potential to precipitate a catastrophic decline into hyperinflation .
2 It was God 's intention that his people should always carry with them the values learnt at Mt Sinai .
3 ‘ While some parts of the industry are likely to be very profitable , other parts will have concealed dangers , which could well carry with them the seeds of financial disaster . ’
4 Only " estates and interests " in land are property , and carry with them the rights to exclusive use of the land and to transfer it .
5 4.24 Sometimes employments or occupations carry with them the enjoyment of material benefits other than monetary remuneration — for example , free board and lodging in the case of a domestic servant ( Liffen v Watson [ 1940 ] 1 KB 556 ) , free coal for a miner , free or concessionary travel facilities for railway or airline employees , free farm produce for agricultural workers or the free use of a car for travelling salesmen , etc .
6 The tips of the spiny ribs pass through special pores as they impale the predator and they carry with them the secretions of nearby glands — glands that cause intensely painful poisoning of the inside of the attacker 's mouth .
7 But these are not organised , structured animal societies — they are abnormal explosions of the locust population and they carry with them the seeds of their own downfall , as do modern human populations that are heading in the same direction .
8 One by one the members of the crowd trickled out into the fête , carrying with them the news of Phipps 's death .
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