Example sentences of "almost no [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 They have a highly developed sense of national identity but almost no sense of responsibility towards the state they live in .
2 The author also points out that her subject had almost no sense of humour or capacity for original thought , that she thirsted for power , and that ‘ Righteousness was what Annie earnestly desired for others … she felt no lack of it herself . ’
3 There was almost no money on course for the horse and the only serious cash , about £1,000 in a series of small bets , was placed in the Bradford area .
4 Figes , for instance , says that ‘ there is almost no evidence in favour of nature ’ ( 1972 : 9 ) .
5 There was almost no escape from television .
6 This section of the labour market is also virtually non-unionized , providing for almost no representation on pay and working conditions , or health and safety regulations .
7 Strangely , Britain 's botanists have taken almost no interest in acidification , although plants such as cowslips , heather and many woodland flowers are also known to be affected by sulphur and nitrogen deposition .
8 Research done among the Greenland Eskimos has shown that they have almost no record of heart disease .
9 The manuscript scores of Lully 's ballets provide almost no information regarding scoring .
10 There was almost no time of day when we could be together alone .
11 The tremendous density is due to the fact that all the parts of the atoms are crushed together with almost no waste of space .
12 The man who can not make eight or ten bales at least has almost no object in life and nothing to live on . ’
13 Bribery apart , there is almost no method of persuasion which is considered to be out of bounds .
14 At the beginning of the nineteenth century , there was almost no standardization in science or in technology .
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