Example sentences of "almost a [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With his shorts flapping around his knees and his wispy , thinning hair he was almost a caricature of a footballer , but Wally could mesmerise his opposing full-back or swerve past him at a deceptive pace , before putting across an accurate , teasing centre .
2 For many years her life was almost a caricature of the daily round of the Victorian upper-class spinster .
3 Physically she 's the epitome , almost a caricature of the male fantasy dream girl , and I was stupid enough to endow her with all the other attributes I thought the perfect woman should have . ’
4 ‘ We have a break of almost a fortnight after the Sheffield United game on Wednesday .
5 The sound of the water had become muted ; like background music , it receded from consciousness , becoming almost a part of the stillness and the silence .
6 But the relationship was extremely good , I think that you might say that for many years in my service , it was almost a case of the law abiding citizens in Ipswich coping with the wrongdoers .
7 Which was almost a relief after the agony of my abused foot .
8 Christopher Booker 's thoughts on the subject are worth quoting in full for he manages to incorporate a good quota of folk devils in his account , and provides almost a blueprint of the conservative-historical position :
9 His novels , and in particular two novels of the sea which in many ways closely resembled certain of Conrad 's extended stories , assert the pre-eminence of story , of what happens next : in the balance he holds between character and event , in the way he directs his narrative , he provides almost a blueprint of the classic adventure genre .
10 ( David Rockefellers older brother Nelson , who had recently died , had been almost a friend of the Shah ) Would either of them fly to Morocco and tell the Shah that the US government preferred that he did not come to America right now ?
11 During October the value of the currency fell by almost a half on the free market , to $1.00=12.7 cruzados , prompting police intervention in some exchange bureaus .
12 The practice was as old as the Middle Kingdom itself and formed one link in the great chain of tradition , but it was more than mere ritual , it was a living ceremony , an act of deep respect and celebration , almost a poem to the honoured dead .
13 They emerged gradually over a period of half a century , culminating in his book Two New Sciences , which was first published in 1638 , almost a century after the publication of Copernicus 's major work .
14 Cézanne 's method of building up form by a series of parallel hatchings or small overlapping brush-strokes is used by Picasso in a severe and logical way ; indeed , in the gouaches of early 1909 this method of work becomes almost a refinement of the earlier , cruder striations .
15 Bramble was forty-five and had not been thus addressed for almost a quarter of a century .
16 A few days later , immediately alongside the busy M40 , a pause at traffic-lights enabled me to glance at a dense assembly of birds , as closely-packed as starlings , extending for almost a quarter of a mile along the edge of the arable field , and I was able to identify them as a mixture of Lapwing and ‘ goldies , ’ all immobile , and many of the latter with their heads tucked in as if fast asleep .
17 Almost a quarter of a random sample of adults dying in 1987 had spent at least part of the last year of their lives in a residential or nursing home ; one in eight spent all of that year in one .
18 Isfield itself seems to have shifted from its old site , up near the parish church , to a new site almost a quarter of a mile south-eastwards ; the moated manor near the church was abandoned and replaced by a new separate dwelling .
19 In the 1720s a government survey counted almost a quarter of a million fugitives , and the opening out of new lands to the south and east continued to attract desperate peasants throughout the eighteenth century .
20 Wilson , speaking at an Annual Conference almost a quarter of a century later summarised the experience of 1887–1894. " 1887 was a fairly good year .
21 Now , almost a quarter of a century later , she was suffering more than ever , because she could not forget , and because she needed to feel close to the ones she still loved .
22 FOR almost a quarter of a century we have been keeping records of farm fatalities .
23 When France and Spain made peace in 1659 after a struggle which had lasted for almost a quarter of a century it was agreed that their representatives , Cardinal Mazarin and Don Luis de Haro , should meet on a small island in the River Bidassoa , which separated their territories in the Pyrenees .
24 Ken appreciated it and for almost a quarter of a century afterwards they would be close friends .
25 My Lords , will the er Minister say how much money has been spent on the so called cash protection for grant maintained schools and will she confirm that the one quarter of a million pounds almost a quarter of a million pounds being spent on advertising grant maintained schools is additional er to the scheme , to the first part of the question .
26 You might earn almost a quarter of a million pounds a year — ’
27 25 years ago there were almost a quarter of a million dairy farmers in England and Wales .
28 Almost a quarter of a million council tax bills are being re-printed because the Government has decided to charge-cap Gloucestershire County Council .
29 In that decade European men won almost a quarter of the 40 major championships played and for most of it dominated the top ten in the world rankings .
30 Almost a quarter of the world 's population — 1.2 billion people — were reckoned to be too poor to meet their most basic needs for food , clothing and shelter .
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