Example sentences of "stand for a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She stands for a long moment .
2 They will have done him no good in the housing movement , which recognises that my hon. Friend stands for a real commitment , typical of this Government , to the needs of homeless people .
3 If you are to be awkward then my mother will not know where she stands for a good deal of time . ’
4 In The Tempest verse again stands for a superior ethos in stark juxtaposition with prose .
5 It stands for a positive policy — Socialism at home and internationally " .
6 then star that stands for a wild card , that 'll do all files which have got the back up .
7 At a buffet you ensure that elderly and infirm guests , and those who have travelled long distances , have seats near the buffet table so that they are not obliged to stand for a long period .
8 Hence began the campaign to enable the President to stand for a second term of office .
9 During November the three largest parties announced their candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for April 26 , 1992 , to elect a successor to Kurt Waldheim , who had in June 1991 declined to stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
10 We do know that it was not until the late summer of 1965 that he gave private indications of his intention to stand for a second term , and not until 4 November that he made his decision public .
11 It all seems to be about using one or two people to stand for a whole sensibility , but thereby creating the impression that they were somehow alone in the field .
12 Two days before the speech ( i.e. on Aug. 14 ) a petition signed by a group of 58 human rights activists , academics and retired armed forces officers had called on Suharto not to stand for a sixth term as President in 1993 .
13 These cases suggest that when manufacture as the signified of the object , becomes reified as having a separate and particular connotation it is not the actual process of manufacture which is of importance , but the ability of the object to stand for a particular form of production and its attendant social relations .
14 They 're bigger than us , they stand for a bigger establishment than we do , like , we 're just little and they stand for bigger things , and you try to get your own back .
15 With Aquino adamant that she would not stand for a second term , the jostling for position amongst those ambitious to succeed her intensified in late 1990 and early 1991 .
16 Waldheim , who had been barred from entering the USA [ see p. 35528 ] and shunned by European governments , had announced in June 1991 that he would not stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
17 In Europe , said Mr Smith , Labour must stand for a positive partnership and active participation in the Community as the best means to secure the most benefit for Britain .
18 Although the artefact may stand for a particular form of production , it can not be assumed that it will do so , or that the divisions which appear as significant from one perspective upon modern society will necessarily emerge as the major dimensions of differentiation in the object world .
19 Suharto 's pronouncements , although clouded in typical ambiguity , certainly gave the impression that he would stand for a sixth term .
20 You might decide that the third gate will stand for an unknown option , which you have yet to consider .
21 And what we 've got in standing for a general election is about two and a half thousand men and about five hundred women .
22 Earlier Neil Kinnock , the Labour leader , hoped it would be demonstrated that Sir Nicholas did not speak for other Tories ‘ because the gutter language he used is not fit for anyone standing for a democratic party ’ .
23 On June 21 Kurt Waldheim , 72 , announced that he would not be standing for a second term as President in the elections due in 1992 .
24 Just sit down and and sit still for a minute because you 'll be standing for a long time playing the recorder as well , if you want if you want to go to the toilet just take yourself all right .
25 Arthur Leopold of County Cork had taken the picture , and the first time Ellie had tiptoed into the bedroom she had stood for a long time staring at the photograph , because it was the first time she had ever seen the likeness of her dead mother .
26 So I had stood for a little while on the bridge and saluted as the ship went down after all .
27 I stood for a long while looking at Voting Right .
28 The headless trunk stood for a long second , the blood fountaining in a gush of scarlet from the raw stump of its neck , before collapsing bonelessly to the mat .
29 Charles collapsed like a glove puppet with the hand withdrawn , and stood for a long moment , sagging .
30 She had risen from her deep curtsey , and stood for a long moment gazing steadily into his face .
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