Example sentences of "stand for a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The curious nature of the first-person plural relationship in the Sonnets [ + ego , + tu ] is that it is so infrequent ( twelve times only ) and that even when it occurs it is tenuous , fragile , or , as here , stands for a union in falseness .
2 It is not easy to find a general definition of the normal meaning of irony , but it usually stands for a process by which the content of a statement is qualified either by the reader 's attribution of a contrary intention to the author , or by the reader 's awareness of factors that are in conflict in one way or another with what is being said .
3 If you have to stand for a while at work or in a queue , it would be helpful to have one leg behind the other with the feet at about 45 degrees to each other .
4 When it is my turn to use the phone , I stand for a minute with two ten pence coins in my hand .
5 But , even if the records only stand for a couple of weeks , Kapil wants two Indians on top at the same time .
6 Past more bushes now , I stand for a moment on the edge of a sacred area , which I share with the rabbits for which it is home .
7 It was dark and the lamps were lit and they might not have seen Sesostris if he had not had to step aside to avoid a porter with a heavy bundle on his back and stand for a moment in the light from a shop front .
8 — two letters can stand for one sound ( the letter-pair " sh " stands for a single sound ) , and one letter can stand for a sequence of two sounds ( in our dialect , " o " in the word " no " stands for two sounds in sequence , a vowel first , followed by a " w " sound made with the lips ) ;
9 Parkin may stand for a seat on the new party executive .
10 Both Mead and Vygotsky proposed that communication between the child and older children or adults provides the essential conditions for emergence of ‘ media-tion ’ , whereby a word or gesture can stand for an aspect of experience .
11 The house looked the same , Sara thought , standing for a moment outside the gate and looking up at it .
12 Standing for a moment on the linking landing between the two worlds , Nicandra felt the blessed evening sun slanting benignly towards her .
13 She had remained her strong English self , and in truth she did put up with a good deal for in her terms a scholar 's life must always have stood for a life of privation , which would explain the furious resolve that clenched the lines in her face .
14 Without showing any sign of emotion he stood for a while at the head of the bier .
15 It has always been I who have calmed her , though sometimes the Sweeper has come in the evening and stood for a while at her cage and she has calmed in his good presence .
16 Towards the end of the soirée , Eliot stood for a while by himself in a seemingly abstracted state , and , looking at him across the room , I could not decide whether he was looking in my direction or not .
17 Wycliffe passed through the general office with a word to the two girls and stood for a while in the yard while the timber-lorry drove away and the big double doors were closed behind it .
18 He stood for a while in the darkness , hoping that perhaps one of the nuns , Lady Amelia or Dame Agatha , would follow him out , but no one came .
19 When we reached home , we stood for a moment beside the tree near my gate .
20 She stood for a moment beside Melissa , looking up at the portrait .
21 Before leaving he stood for a moment at the door and let his eyes range round the room as if he were seeing it for the first time .
22 Maxim got the film and certificates from his room , then stood for a moment at the top of the front steps , looking across the parade ground .
23 The farmer got out of his car to open the gate and stood for a moment at the bend in the road .
24 Hundreds of eyes stared fixedly as the laird stepped out onto the gravel and stood for a moment with his chin jutting and his mouth pulled down , like a general reviewing his troops .
25 She stood for a moment with her head on one side , listening intently .
26 Angel Four stood for a moment with his back pressed to the closed door of the Prophet 's private suite .
27 She put down the receiver and stood for a moment with her hand resting on it , her head bowed and her thoughts in turmoil .
28 He stood for a moment between the columns , staring into the gloom .
29 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
30 He opened the front door and stood for a moment on the step looking at the glimmer of light touching the pale dome of the church and the glow of the city thrown up against the sky .
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