Example sentences of "stand to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Walk right away until you get to the first window of Moe 's Tavern , collect the spray can and paint the cinema billboard ( stand to the right of the three aliens to do this ) .
2 Okay if you 're left handed then then I guess you 're probably gon na feel more comfortable that way round erm but while you 're using this and while you 're making a point about what you 've written just just stand to the side of it I usually put me hand up have done there just make the points to be made , yes .
3 The two black groups , which stand to the left of the African National Congress , are accused of attacks on white farmers .
4 Fashions , Wholesale and Mr Sawar brought proceedings against BCCI asking for a declaration that the amount of the debt due to BCCI could be reduced by the operation of Rule 4.90 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 , to the extent of the sum standing to the credit of Mr Sawar in his deposit account with BCCI at the date BCCI went into liquidation .
5 ( FCA ) of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to notify clients in writing of the amount and terms of commission received as a result of advice given to those clients and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 5.03 in that in High Wycombe between 31 March 1989 and 14 June 1991 it failed to give notice to its Bank that all money standing to the credit of its Investment Business Client Bank Account was to be held by the firm as a trustee or agent within the terms of the regulation was reprimanded , fined £l , 000 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
6 to capitalise the appropriate nominal amount of the new Ordinary Shares falling to be allotted pursuant to any elections made as aforesaid out of the amount standing to the credit of any reserve or fund ( including the profit and loss account , share premium account , capital redemption reserve or any other reserve ) , whether or not the same is available for distribution , as the directors may determine , to apply such sum in paying up in full such Ordinary Shares and to allot such Ordinary Shares to the shareholders of the company validly making such elections in accordance with their respective entitlements …
7 to capitalise the appropriate nominal amount of additional Ordinary Shares falling to be allotted pursuant to elections made as aforesaid , out of the sums standing to the credit of the reserves of the Company ( including any share premium account or capital redemption reserve fund ) or otherwise available for distribution as the Directors may determine and to apply such sums in paying up such Ordinary Shares and to allot such Ordinary Shares to members of the Company validly making such elections in accordance with their respective entitlements ’ .
8 For example , it is bad but commonly encountered accounting practice to show profits undrawn by the partners in each accounting year as standing to the credit of their capital accounts .
9 It was a substantial , two-storey , L-shaped house standing to the east of the track with walls partly flint and partly rendered , enclosing at the rear a courtyard of York stone which gave an uninterrupted view over fifty yards of scrub to the grassy dunes and the sea .
10 I was very impressed by the volume and depth of sound from such a small cab , and although there 's not the power to cover a very large stage , I found there was no great loss in tone when standing to the side of the amp — a problem with some larger rigs .
11 " You 'll notice that we are standing to the left of the throne , " said the governor , addressing Joseph and his mother in a stage whisper .
12 Many cuttings of this kind will root spontaneously if stood to the base of their leaves in a jar of water .
13 It was built about 1789 and stood to the southeast of Waterloo Bridge .
14 The name is an ancient word referring to a Saxon village that once stood to the north of Darlington between Beaumont Hill and Walworth .
15 A big storage chest stood to the left of the door .
16 The lesson of that election was that only an alliance of all those who stood to the right of the Socialists could succeed in easing them from power .
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