Example sentences of "stand [adv prt] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Forests get hacked down because nobody stands up to the logging industry .
2 The star reincarnates his No Name as an avenging ghost in a High Noon -style rotten community , forcing them to paint their town red before he stands up to the killers who are about to ride through and finally saving the place only by burning it down ( a process the US army tried in Vietnam ) .
3 Bauhaus ' ‘ Dark Entries ’ remains a ferocious blue ( black ) print ; Danse Society 's ‘ We 're So Happy ’ is surprisingly epic and coolly resonant ; and mid-'80s music hall like X-Mal Deutschland , Sex Gang Children , Specimen and Alien Sex Fiend stands up to the test of time .
4 It remains to be seen how Taggart 's vision stands up to the floodlights — and the driving rain .
5 Bob Murray finds out how well a big green luxury saloon stands up to the strain of chauffeuring a discerning family of four around France
6 They spoke after the borough council 's planning committee decided last night to stand up to the Home Office by objecting to the £14 million expansion , intended to ease the prison 's long-standing and often chronic overcrowding problem .
7 He was the first commoner to stand up to the might of the king .
8 He was about to stand up to the policeman when Duncan spoke .
9 The problem is to develop a device which as well as demonstrating a high degree of efficiency in converting wave energy into electricity , is also robust enough to stand up to the buffeting and corrosion of the sea .
10 They ought to stand up to the goons . ’
11 A Japanese-led bloc of Asian nations would be militarily and economically secure , and able to stand up to the threat posed by the nations of Europe and by the United States .
12 For many Arabs the invasion of Kuwait confirmed Saddam as the foremost pan-Arab nationalist leader and the first Arab ruler since Egypt 's Abdel Gamal Nasser who was fully prepared to stand up to the USA .
13 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
14 But what a pity that , when the heat was on — when the law of the land was being challenged by Labour councillors up and down the country , and by Members of Parliament — the Opposition Front Bench was found wanting , and failed to stand up to the rule of law .
15 Since this high work of fracture — which makes trees able to stand up to the buffetings of life and which makes wood such a useful material — can not be accounted for by any of the recognized work of fracture mechanisms which operate in man-made composites , George set out to find out what was really happening .
16 ‘ It took a great deal of courage for one man to stand up to the tobacco industry .
17 And thirdly increasing emphasis , not on the socialist politics of the Communist Party in the nineteen twenties , but on the development of a nationalist ideology which could appeal to all classes in Chinese society who were interested in getting the Japanese out and who were angered by the Kuomintang government 's inability to stand up to the Japanese .
18 Kinnock improved his image most on being energetic and decisive but actually lost ground on being able to stand up to the USSR , reflecting perhaps the consequences of his ‘ dad 's army ’ interview with David Frost .
19 On being able to stand up to the USSR , Thatcher scored 80 per cent in the precampaign week , easing to 79 per cent in the last fortnight of the campaign .
20 ‘ If you wanted to find out how an astronaut 's body was likely to stand up to the strain of living on a very , very heavy planet , is there some way of testing it before actually visiting the planet ? ’
21 There appear to be four main Soviet categories for Latin American regimes : ( i ) ‘ revolutionary democratic ’ states or ( a label rarely applied ) states of ‘ socialist orientation ’ , such as post-1979 Nicaragua and 1979–83 Grenada ; ( ii ) capitalist , yet ‘ progressive ’ and ‘ anti-imperialist regimes which are willing to be friendly to the Soviet Union and stand up to the United States , such as Mexico and panama ( particularly under General Omar Torrijos ( 1969–81 ) , who negotiated a treaty with the Carter administration providing for complete Panamanian sovereignty over the Canal by 1999 , a campaign that was strongly supported by Moscow ) .
22 In fairness , more than a very few did stand up to the committee in spite of the danger to their swimming pools and their popularity .
23 With a top capacity of some 75 litres it 's large enough for a week 's backpacking , or even extended expedition use , although I do have some doubts as to whether it could stand up to the rigours of expedition life .
24 What has been an ideal jacket for the Lakeland fells could be too heavy to take to Africa ; what seems like a good buy for walking in the Alps might not stand up to the rigours of a Himalayan winter .
25 Indeed the habits of our civilised forebears at work and play would not always stand up to the scrutiny of the modern conscience .
26 Take this opportunity to try Amyway 's products and see how they really do stand up to the products you have used for years .
27 He was trying to undermine her self-confidence , make her believe she could n't stand up to the exigencies of canal life .
28 So for a while , the President of the United States effectively had world power , there was no other power in the world who could stand up to the U S , er , after , after , World War One for one argument anyway , and I think Freud 's er , defence disposition would be , Woodrow Wilson was the man who came to Europe , saying he would bring a just peace for all , and went away leaving a total mess , and , and , Freud 's er argument in his book is , told us was , well , the mess er , was really Wilson 's own doing , and if it was his doing , what was it in his character that allowed him to er , si to on some Lloyd George , who bullied him into getting most of what they wanted .
29 But now Bulmers reckon they 've invented a tree that can stand up to the stress .
30 Moreover the book alienated the only one of Ramsey 's backers who could stand up to the Cambridge establishment .
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