Example sentences of "stand [adv prt] to the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 For many Arabs the invasion of Kuwait confirmed Saddam as the foremost pan-Arab nationalist leader and the first Arab ruler since Egypt 's Abdel Gamal Nasser who was fully prepared to stand up to the USA .
2 Kinnock improved his image most on being energetic and decisive but actually lost ground on being able to stand up to the USSR , reflecting perhaps the consequences of his ‘ dad 's army ’ interview with David Frost .
3 On being able to stand up to the USSR , Thatcher scored 80 per cent in the precampaign week , easing to 79 per cent in the last fortnight of the campaign .
4 There appear to be four main Soviet categories for Latin American regimes : ( i ) ‘ revolutionary democratic ’ states or ( a label rarely applied ) states of ‘ socialist orientation ’ , such as post-1979 Nicaragua and 1979–83 Grenada ; ( ii ) capitalist , yet ‘ progressive ’ and ‘ anti-imperialist regimes which are willing to be friendly to the Soviet Union and stand up to the United States , such as Mexico and panama ( particularly under General Omar Torrijos ( 1969–81 ) , who negotiated a treaty with the Carter administration providing for complete Panamanian sovereignty over the Canal by 1999 , a campaign that was strongly supported by Moscow ) .
5 Moreover the book alienated the only one of Ramsey 's backers who could stand up to the Cambridge establishment .
6 As the campaign developed Kinnock 's image as a man who would stand up to the USSR declined throughout the electorate , even amongst Labour supporters , though it declined slightly more amongst Conservative supporters .
7 ‘ Ordinary Catholics on the Falls Road can not stand up to the IRA .
8 But Dubcek was not as popular at home where some still blamed him for not standing up to the Warsaw Pact in 1968 and therefore being responsible for a 23year military occupation by Soviet forces .
9 By the end of the campaign , his average image score had risen to 65 but his score on standing up to the USSR had dropped to 56 .
10 Scores on this image ( standing up to the USSR ) were never very predictable for any politician .
11 If doubt can conjure up images of heroism ( the David of Doubt standing up to the Goliath of Lies ) , it can just as easily represent what is most cowardly , indecisive and dictatorial in us all .
12 And yet the fascination among ( overwhelmingly white ) rock music critics with the big , scary black man ( talk about perpetrating stereotypes ! ) survives , to the point where NME is getting all teary-eyed about Brave Little Time-Warner , heroically standing up to the Huns of censorship .
13 Fancy standing back to the North Sea for ten hours or more handling cold fish !
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