Example sentences of "stand [adv] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As these are decorations and not toys , you can use glass or pearl-headed pins to make the halo , either pushing them right into the head like a wreath , or half-way in so that the halo stands away from the head .
2 That stands away from the wall .
3 He stands aside from the path and is warned that he tramples on sown seed .
4 I very much hope that they are engaged in the work and committed to it , but I do n't want them to believe it 's real ; and the word involvement to me implies an inability to stand apart from the role-playing .
5 Perhaps this is one reason why the observer seems to stand apart from the scene he experiences .
6 If a British Government continued , as a matter of policy , to stand apart from the process , would inward investors who need access to markets of the whole community think of locating in a semi-detached country ?
7 From the back of the room where they were made to stand apart from the family for the rest of the ceremony , the three children were able to hear only snatches of their grandfather 's words as he conducted a long discourse praising the virtues of his dead parent .
8 Yet the poem stands apart from the attitudes most commonly expressed in her work , and , given its obscurity , it is necessary to be cautious with respect to its specific meaning .
9 Gilligan sees this as a morality of responsibility that stands apart from the morality of rights underlying Kohlberg 's conception .
10 Systems analysis at last provides geography with a unifying methodology and using it geography no longer stands apart from the mainstream of scientific progress .
11 That may be why photographer turned pilot , Guido Rossi stands apart from the crowd .
12 Yet Anis stands apart from the host of other small-time importers who have filled Russian city streets with kiosks .
13 Stand away from the elevators , please , ’ said Duvall .
14 Corinth on the other hand had kept its vase-painting on a small scale ; and the tradition of an early Corinthian school of painters is borne out by certain vase-paintings which stand aside from the rest : not in scale ( indeed they are often miniature work ) but in composition and colour .
15 Fairlie emphasizes that the House has no corporate feeling , it can not stand apart from the government , and the parliamentary reformers ' idea that the House can recover some of its former powers is both impracticable and , in his judgement , undesirable .
16 The present day building has a small western tower and 12th century nave standing away from the road on the edge of a wood .
17 Buckmaster jumped up suddenly , left his chair standing away from the table .
18 Whitlock 's eyes flickered to the two sombre-suited men standing apart from the others , Paul Brett and Jack Rogers .
19 They made respectful way for him as he led me through the village to a longhouse standing apart from the others .
20 Minnie refused , saying that Brendan had provided a car for them , and later she and Dympna appeared at the graveside , again standing apart from the family .
21 At the funeral Duncan had stood apart from the rest of the family .
22 There was a definite warning in his eyes now , as he stood away from the door-frame and folded his arms across his chest .
23 and this was taken up in like folds but the plait stood away from the head , it sort of come out
24 His thick fingers with their horny' nails that stood away from the flesh took no harm from the heat .
25 His account of Halifax 's great service to his country — when he stood aside from the offer of the wartime premiership , leaving it for Churchill ( then regarded as an unstable gangster by Chamberlainite Tories ) is considerably more convincing than Churchill 's own highly-coloured account .
26 Township A stood apart from the rest , having both a very high level of unemployment and a large number of known opioid users .
27 The urge to succeed and be competitive was stronger in some of us than in others , and although the section was theoretically united there was a faction which stood apart from the rest .
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