Example sentences of "body [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Commenting on the finds in Patio 29 Gen. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , the 1973 coup leader who had remained as C.-in -C. of the Army after the return to democratic rule in 1990 , stated that he " congratulated the corpse hunters " and claimed that the burial of more than one body in the same grave showed " great economy " .
2 The grammatical similarity of this to talk of a person feeling , say a pin in his foot might lead one to suppose that pains are in parts of one 's body in the same way as pins , wounds and broken bones , are in parts of one 's body ; that is , that they differ from these latter only in being invisible , intangible , and so on : they are the proper objects of the sense of pain .
3 Roll out the same amount of blue fondant to a similarly sized area and use to cover the remaining half of the body in the same way .
4 George Stacey is charged with murdering Christine Campbell on the 19 of November , Martin Stacey with concealing her body on the same date .
5 From there , some fibres continue to the superior olivary body on the same side of the brain stem as the stimulated ear but the majority cross over to the olivary body on the opposite side of the brain stem .
6 AIDS , entering the body by the same route , further attacks body immunity and leaves it prone to any passing infection .
7 He argued that two bodies of the same material but different weights would fall at different speeds .
8 But in any attempt to compare these institutions on an international basis there are immediate difficulties of terminology in that bodies with the same name may perform different functions .
9 Lack of sufficient oxygen affects our bodies in the same way .
10 They were to receive instructions on imperial issues from the Reichskanzlei and on those affecting only the Habsburg territories from the Staatskanzlei , and would divide their reports between the two bodies on the same principle .
11 Whereas the shelter drawings had shown recumbent figures in still poses of monumental vulnerability , in the mines Moore faced new challenges : ‘ There was first the difficulty of seeing forms emerging out of deep darkness , the problem of conveying the claustrophobic effects of countless pit-props … receding into blackness , and of expressing the gritty , grubby smears of black coal-dust on the miners ’ bodies at the same time as the anatomy underneath ’ .
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