Example sentences of "stand [adv] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you think you could ask them all to stand over by the window , please ?
2 An emerald green leather footstool stands demurely by the fire ; a fakir 's brass sideboard from northern India gleams dimly against a wall ; two porcelain skunks chase one another across the landing ; a unique collapsible divan-cum-four-seater sofa edged in cadmium velvet welcomes you to the front room ; a vast oil portrait of a nineteenth-century munitions tycoon , casts a genial glow over the hall .
3 Amis 's third novel is called I Like It Here ( 1958 ) , and when its hero stands reverently by the grave of Henry Fielding in Lisbon he acknowledges a debt at once literary and moral .
4 So they stand cheerfully by the carriage window revealing in loud voices the personal secrets of the wretched traveller , who winces as he realizes that he has to travel two hundred miles with a carriage full of strangers who know his family history , how prone he is to chills if he wears a damp vest , what he has to do when he arrives at his destination .
5 And by the way , I do n't know why we 're sitting crouched down here because we could stand up by the spruce there : its shadow is darker than the sky , and we could be more ready for them .
6 She hurried across the course and pushed through a knot of ghoulish spectators who were standing gloomily by the area which had been cordoned off .
7 Mr Piggott was standing morosely by the kettle waiting for it to boil .
8 Wakelate came into the kitchen and Cleo , still standing stiffly by the sink , watched him turn on the gas of one of the wall lamps .
9 The King was standing helplessly by the wall .
10 By contrast , in the Rose Theatre case the judge seems to have been influenced to deny standing partly by the fact that the Trust had been formed only for the purpose of campaigning for the preservation of the remains of the theatre ; whereas the same judge in another case accorded standing to challenge a grant of planning permission to a representative of a snake-preservation society which had been active on the site in question for many years and had ‘ put money into it ’ .
11 ‘ We have always been a very tired family , ’ Finch said loftily to Henry , both aged twenty-eight , Finch lying back in a large bed with his cello on his ex-girl friend 's pillow and Henry standing up by the gas fire .
12 ‘ Riot guides and drug protests and minor jokes about policemen , ’ said a man in a mackintosh , standing up by the gas fire and talking fixedly about the broadsheet , eying it in its filing place .
13 He ate it standing up by the sink , and deliberately left the little pot on the marble work surface .
14 Zambia was still standing dejectedly by the reception booth smoking a cigarette the receptionist had given hir out of pity .
15 LATE IN THE AFTERNOON Frankie found himself standing awkwardly by the kitchen door wearing polished shoes that pinched his toes and a shirt fastened at the neck with a large safety-pin .
16 No use two of us standing here by the Bren . ’
17 But his reminiscences , twice , thrice told , were lost on the dance-hall air as Erika walked away round the hall , affecting not to see Fritz who was standing moodily by the door , and giving a start of surprise when he asked her to dance .
18 There were a couple of men standing there by the door , waiting for the train to pull in and stop .
19 She would have rung him , if it had n't been for the tall constable standing meaningfully by the telephone .
20 A scrawny boy , his hand wrapped up in a bloodstained rag , his clothes caked in mud , who looked sicker than some of her patients , and the pale , sullen girl who stood over by the teatrolley , shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other and looking as if she did n't have a brain in her head .
21 Glenda stood commandingly by the mantelpiece and took a cigarette .
22 Constance stood awkwardly by the sink .
23 The Forcibles stood silently by the door , studying the departing customers — and exchanging particularly cold stares with Ten-huc and the pirates as they sauntered out .
24 He crossed the room and stood there by the door , his mind running through possibilities .
25 Even now as he stood there by the kitchen table he could see Caspar closing in on the weaker lamb , and he could hear that weird and terrible wailing of Lee 's .
26 One six-year-old Our Gang refugee stood solemnly by the car , too-long pants concertinaed around his feet , holding up the officer 's revolver in both hands , covering the fat driver .
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