Example sentences of "stand [adv] [prep] [noun pl] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising then that the earliest women to enter politics did so as ‘ surrogate ’ males , to stand in for husbands or fathers ( see the case of Nancy , Lady Astor ) or that no ‘ monstrous regiment ’ of women was waiting to overwhelm men in the battle for parliamentary seats .
2 She drew comparisons between the present crisis concerning Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait and the experience of 1938 , declaring that " Czechoslovakia of all countries needs no reminding of the need for nations to stand up to bullies and do so at once " .
3 All of this finally resulted in ’ Maus ’ , his book-length comic strip version of the Holocaust in which pigs stand in for Nazis and mice for Jews .
4 ‘ I know it all depends on me how I stand up to games and how I play . ’
5 They stand around with rulers and clipboards .
6 The band said they would look stupid , standing there with guitars but not actually playing .
7 An example was John Wilkins ' ‘ real character ’ of 1668 , in which symbols stood not for words but for things .
8 They watched the horses follow the tractor round the ever narrowing stand of corn in the centre of the field , and the tinkers who came to get work stood by with dogs and shot the rabbits that came surging out .
9 Harriet stood there in breeches and waxed jacket , holding a rope halter and a plastic bucket .
10 stood round in groups or knelt on half-bald knees
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