Example sentences of "stand [prep] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 He also described the Anglican clergyman as ‘ the self-conceited , pedantic , presumptuous priest … [ who ] stands between the flower and the sun … the soul and God . ’
2 Emphasizing the intellectual approach , Hourcade was the first of the many writers to relate Cubist painting to Kantian aesthetics , and in one of his articles includes a quotation from Schopenhauer : ‘ Kant 's greatest service was to distinguish between the appearance of a thing and the thing in itself , and he showed that our intelligence stands between the thing and us . ’
3 Once a character has been wounded , he will not be attacked again unless he stands between the Carrion and one or more unwounded characters .
4 for every legislative enactment constitutes a diktat by the state to the citizen which he is not only expected but obliged to observe in the regulation of his daily life and it is the judge and the judge alone who stands between the citizen and the state 's own interpretation of its own rules .
5 That is to say , he stands between the client and the outcome of his instruction and is therefore identified as the one most responsible for a project 's success or failure .
6 Detailed clauses ensured that ( i ) the President once elected could not be a member of a political party ; ( ii ) the military were denied seats in the Senate ; ( iii ) members of the Securitate and militia bodies guilty of repression and public officials guilty of abuses were not eligible for election ; ( iv ) candidates for election to the Assembly of Deputies had to be over 21 years of age and for the presidency and Senate over 30 , with no upper age limit ; ( v ) prisoners and the mentally handicapped were not eligible for election or to vote ; ( vi ) independent candidates were eligible to stand for the Senate and Assembly if supported by at least 250 electors and for the presidency if supported by 100,000 electors ; ( vii ) the votes of Romanian citizens abroad via diplomatic missions , consulates or trade agencies would be treated as votes cast in the city of Bucharest ; ( viii ) the financing of political parties from abroad was forbidden ; ( ix ) strict procedures would be applied to check and validate nominations ; ( x ) hours of polling would be from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m .
7 One man stands near the wicket and bats and another bowls .
8 This is a shower/dryer — all you do is to stand in the shower and let yourself be bathed in jets of warm air — it 's a more hygienic , effortless and invigorating way of drying off .
9 I used to stand in the wings and feel his bum . ’
10 I rose , bid him good evening , and went outside to stand in the road and enjoy the scents of darkness and the sight of the moon .
11 ‘ Let me invite you to dinner in an hour , ’ said George , ‘ and ’ — this was addressed to Mrs Robinson , who had crept in to stand in the doorway and hear the end of the story , and now stepped forward to play a part — ‘ please , let us borrow your daughter for the evening so that we four can be a company .
12 All he could do for the moment was to stand in the doorway and look about him .
13 I do n't want to stand in the doorway and shake hands but it 's a great feeling to go into one of the restaurants and realise they do n't belong to the GrandMet or Imperial , but they are mine ! ’
14 The smaller T110 , which stands on the workbench and carves pieces up to 18in tall by 10in diameter ; low relief panels 10in wide and limitless length ; and spindles 36in long by 8in diameter .
15 Well a ponch er it 's sort of made of wood , and got a got a handle crosswise which you held in one half of it in each hand , it had a stem , and on the on the ponch itself was a sort of er piece of wood that had been er cut out to have about four , I think it was four , legs on this , you see and you used to stand over the ponch and
16 Only a force which stands outside the manoeuvring and hostility of the struggle can hope to make any headway in furthering a particular interest .
17 She wanted to stand on the balcony and look out over the roofs , listen to the strange sounds and watch the cars and scooters rushing by in the street below .
18 By the time she was ten years old the nearest she came to having a bath was to stand on the bathmat and sponge herself down .
19 The driver , travelling at some eighty kilometres per hour , had little alternative but to stand on the brakes and swing the bus hard right .
20 Names like Rommel , Auchinleck , El Alamein sounded as common to the ear as Smith , Jones and Robinson ; yet Joe had the feeling that he was being forced to stand on the sidelines and watch a game in which he had not the slightest interest .
21 I should be interested to stand on the sidelines and watch the blood running down the walls as that is sorted out between the two ruling Labour groups .
22 Marion Russell stands at the threshold and peeps cautiously round the edge of the door , surveying the arrangement of people and furniture as a thief might case a property for ease of entry and swiftness of escape .
23 There were so many mourners at the funeral that some had to stand at the back and listen to the service relayed by loudspeakers .
24 The technique is to stand across the seat and swing the adze backwards and forwards between your legs removing a shaving every time , without digging into the wood and stopping the tool .
25 Well , the gravestone certainly stands by the porch and it does have a hole drilled through it , said to have been where the iron stake was hammered through the stone into the coffin , but I 'm afraid that I agree with the general consensus voiced around the bar of the Sun Inn and the George and Dragon that George Hodgson was guilty of nothing but old age , that the only thing he sucked were his gums , and that the hole in the stone was made for a railing or gatepost .
26 I used to stand by the window and look out .
27 At 1807 Ruby and Arthur Reed II launched from the slipway to stand by the vessel and proceeded on service with Coxswain Richard Davies in command .
28 This is unflattering in any room as the effect is harsh , but in a bedroom there is the added disadvantage that if you stand between the light and the window your silhouette will be visible on your curtains or blinds .
29 It would obviously be the worst of craftsmanship to score the first four bars as they stand for the violins and viola and at the fifth bar to weaken one of the parts by division .
30 I stand against the railings and remain in one place to avoid the crap , and look upwards .
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