Example sentences of "stand [verb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was sufficiently troubled by Malcolm 's bouncer to stand frozen at the crease and take it on the helmet , but sufficiently brave to try to hook the inevitable follow-up .
2 well I mean the , the agent has n't or has n't yet sued , but I was n't really putting it like that , I was asking you whether it is your case as in presently stand looking at the defence you 've raised to whether or not you have failed to perform your legal obligations under clause nine .
3 Mark usually achieved this by thinking out an arresting beginning , nearly always of the same type , asking his congregation to imagine themselves standing gazing at the Pyramids or the Acropolis or even the New York skyline , hardly realising , until Sophia pointed it out to him , that these sights would be unfamiliar to the majority of his hearers .
4 So you got the whole spectrum of , or if you 're just doing it like French dictation , it wo n't , if words tend to just , to just be spoken language , right through to an immensely detailed erm , attempts to put everything down , including tone of the voice , and all these other ones which are extremely difficult to I think you noticed that I was standing looking at the transcriptions near each team .
5 I like it when when wh it floods in town and you can go down and watch foreigners standing looking at the roofs of their cars floating down the Ouse and you think Yeah ! .
6 ‘ Oh , do hurry , ’ said Zach who was standing waiting at the door .
7 when we 're standing waiting at the checkout
8 Alice was standing working at the table , wearing her long fawn smock .
9 Never once had the French king offered a seat to Lady Francesca , who stood gazing at the monarch , an awed , frightened expression on her beautiful face .
10 They stood gazing at the foal , shaking their heads .
11 He stood gazing at the words , and at first they made no sense to him , apart from the ominous mention of death , and death of intent , not the quiet closing of a life like Donata 's passing .
12 They stood smoking at the end of the passage and watched Auriega .
13 Lowell returned to the cottage and stood looking at the portrait of Rose .
14 They stood looking at the door , wondering what form the knocking threat would take .
15 When she heard Matthew 's name , Miss Havisham stopped walking and stood looking at the speaker , who suddenly became silent .
16 He stood looking at the floor , examining the toes of his shoes with an expression of deep concern on his face .
17 The following morning , Jim was free and the two men stood looking at the bones .
18 He turned left when they had passed the hotels , parked the car in the space reserved for vehicles and they climbed out , stretched , stood looking at the view .
19 Marjorie went over too and stood looking at the baby .
20 By the garden gate of Four Winds she stood looking at the house for several minutes in silence before they got back into the car and she told him how to get to the Inn on the Point .
21 When she came in she stood looking at the figure stretched out on the floor .
22 Jasper stood looking at the bell rope which came out of a small square aperture at what was the base of the campanile .
23 Dad stood looking at the flat in disgust .
24 He did n't look at me , he stood looking at the doors .
25 I stood looking at the pools of water lying on the pitch , the door of the directors ' Portakabin swinging back and forth on its one remaining hinge , and I recalled the good times , remembered the bad .
26 Before Rincewind could stop him the dragonrider had leapt from the creature 's back to land on the platform , where he stood grinning at the wizard 's discomfiture .
27 They stood listening at the door as Gerald Hussey made a short speech of welcome ; then there were further exchanges in low voices which Sara could not make out .
28 Frere stood flustered at the turn their banter had taken .
29 Miss Bedwelty stood staring at the horses for some time , standing with her hand on her hips .
30 Merrill stood staring at the portrait , too stunned to deal with the battery of questions that bombed her brain .
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