Example sentences of "stand [noun] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The average British Holstein type of cow stands 145cm at the withers and weighs 655kg , while the bull is up to 183cm and 1,360kg in extreme cases .
2 In the Netherlands the dominant breed today is the Holstein-Friesian , bred to be strong , fertile , productive , adaptable and large : the cows stand 140–150cm at the withers .
3 Mature bulls stand 142–147cm at the withers and weigh 1,000–1,320kg , and cows are 130–137cm and 635–735kg .
4 By 1800 the new Shorthorn was Britain 's tallest breed , the bulls standing 152cm at the withers ; the famous Durham Ox was 165cm tall and weighed 3,024 pounds as a five-year-old in 1801 when it was exhibited all over the country , remaining a star travelling showpiece until it dislocated its hip in 1807 .
5 At that time it was very similar to the modern Devon in conformation and colour : Garrard 's engraving in 1800 showed a dark red Devon ox standing 152cm at the withers , but the bull was 135cm and the cow 119cm — similar to the ‘ Suffolk Polled ’ of the time but smaller than the Hereford and Sussex ( each about 142cm/130cm ) .
6 Palestinian gunmen stood guard at the entrances of the camps of Sabra , Chatila , Karantina , Tel al-Za'atar and Bourj al-Barajneh in the capital .
7 Officers stood guard at the gates of the cemetery , making sure that only members of the official funeral cortege entered to attend the burial service .
8 ON THE day Edith Cresson was forced into early partial retirement , a middle-aged woman stood vigil at the gates of the Hotel Matignon , the prime minister 's official residence .
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