Example sentences of "happen to be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the price happens to be at a given time , and this can vary dramatically , it will be a price worth paying for some and not for others .
2 Bribes to officials are part of the culture of some areas of the world ( and therefore necessary to obtain business ) , yet US citizens are forbidden by law to offer bribes to officials of foreign governments , no matter where in the world the citizen happens to be at the time .
3 The successful conclusion of my latest project — whatever that happens to be at the time .
4 If that happens to be on a piece , piece of paper and you want to keep your it might be a benefit to you later on .
5 Scabies , which is spread by physical contact and is particularly prevalent in institutions and schools , happens to be on a periodic upturn at the moment .
6 The last sentence of each of ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) is structurally ambiguous between putting some biscuits into a bowl which happens to be on the floor , and putting some biscuits , which happen to be in a bowl , on the floor .
7 The reason is that heads of chambers are not required to notify vacant tenancies to a central office , so that there can be fair competition for them ; the tenancy is given to the person who happens to be on the spot and who is acceptable , or to a relative of the head of chambers , or otherwise by favour .
8 A white professor has apologised to one of his black lecturers ( who happens to be on the executive of the ANC ) for ‘ treating him as an academic lightweight ’ .
9 If you 're wearing the ear defenders when the supervisor comes round and happens to be on the token dishing out tour and you 're wearing them , you get your token , okay ?
10 Er , when you 've finished with it , all I want is the token off the corner of the page it happens to be on the reverse side
11 This house was indeed built for a gentleman — it just happens to be on an almost miniature scale .
12 You add on that fifty percent or whatever it happens to be to the hundred percent which gives you the new figure .
13 There 's a moment before the traffic and travel news now for me to remind you that erm if you 're the chairman or the secretary or whatever it happens to be of a particular group whether it be erm the local amateur dramatics society or er a North Yorkshire charity and you 'd like the opportunity to have some prime time publicity for what you 're doing , particularly in the run-up to the Christmas period
14 The comment happens to be about the writer 's home station , but much of it might equally apply to numerous others .
15 The ‘ w ’ key happens to be beside the ‘ e ’ key and my finger happening to have struck it once , then struck it once more .
16 Among the extra work which required a special piece of plant to be brought onto the site for one week and then returned 200 miles , there must be some extra work which just happens to be within the scope of a piece of plant which is already on site which would otherwise have been idle during the week in question .
17 It has some fine Renaissance ceilings on the second floor although these are under lock and key and can not be seen unless the keyholder happens to be in the museum that day .
18 He is , of course , the corporation 's watcher of science ( along with medicine , aerospace , and aviation , not to mention street sieges when he happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ) for radio 's news department .
19 Few people are aware how men , who on the whole are more socially , economically , politically , and physically powerful than women , use these resources frequently to batter wives and cohabitees ( Dobash and Dobash 1981 ) , sexually harass their female ( usually subordinate ) co-workers , or assault/rape any woman who happens to be in the way ( see Chapter 4 ) .
20 It means that the communication might be less opportunistic and more frequent with the targets selective rather than whomever happens to be in the group .
21 is that traffic calming or is it town centre enhancement because it happens to be in the middle of the towns .
22 Back to the RSPCA campaign — while admirable , it does give the impression that the 1000 dogs destroyed daily are all good-tempered , potentially healthy young dogs who happen to be without a home .
23 Chair , we have through this , what we 've actually s what you 're actually saying there , because I , I happen to be of the view that when you ask for identification of five percent across all the committees and then you start to take that quite happily from the smaller spend committee , then clearly you 're in a position where you have to address the er , question , do we really want to provide this service at all , and that would be tragic in the case of economic development , because it 's so vital to the erm , economic development of the county as a whole , and so , yes , there , I would suggest that there 's clearly the need to be a corporate view , and a corporate er , er , will to actually put up resources at your disposal , er , er , especially since five B was n't actually , although it was it had n't actually been granted , so it was a bit of an unknown quantity when perhaps the first P A G erm , sat and deliberated .
24 U. supporters who happen to be at the fete will have extra motivation for hitting the net behind Wesley .
25 I know booksellers who regard the written word with the utmost suspicion , profess that they do not understand it , and will have nothing to do with it ; dealers who specialise in autograph material , but will not touch books — unless , of course , they happen to be on the subject of autographs ; and many who maintain an ambivalent attitude , preferring to keep their options open and , if they can afford it , employing some eccentric especially to deal with this awkward material .
26 It is constantly compared with the ancient rock paintings in the Lascaux caves , which happen to be within the breed 's native region .
27 The last sentence of each of ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) is structurally ambiguous between putting some biscuits into a bowl which happens to be on the floor , and putting some biscuits , which happen to be in a bowl , on the floor .
28 IF YOU want to watch television around midnight on the Sabbath , and if you happen to be in a region where nothing less important has taken precedence , you can follow one of the most excellent science series of recent times .
29 However , if you happen to be in a situation where you are out for lunch , then you can happily have your dessert at lunch-time instead of that evening .
30 The basic idea is that in order to study a single linguistic feature , the investigator will elicit a set word or phrase in entirely naturalistic conditions from persons who happen to be in a given place at a given time .
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