Example sentences of "use of [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 There are as many right ways as there are effective uses of video to assist the learning of a language .
2 The Uses of Life explores the complex developments in industry , science and Government that have coloured the present expectations of the technology .
3 What is at issue is the way different uses of language realize the complementary relationship between linguistic resources and contextual factors .
4 The use of simulation allows the observation of many possible stream patterns , far more than could be observed in the real world .
5 The use of installation denies the individual sculptural attention on which her pieces used to depend .
6 Factors which influence the use of notation include the following :
7 The use of zeolite to remove the ammonia might allow you to stock more fish — but it would also interrupt the ‘ flow ’ of nitrites to the bacteria and stop them multiplying .
8 It was Freud who made the first extensive use of hypnosis to probe the depths of the subconscious mind .
9 Brasel and Quigley 's conclusion is that the early language environment offered by the use of signing improves the child 's prospects in the learning of English .
10 The extensive use of gasification reflected the unavailability of oil supplies but there was a considerable cost attached through inconvenience and vehicle wear .
11 Detailed type specifications , meticulous arrangement of tabular information and craftily co-ordinated use of colour help the reader to assimilate rapidly what data is to be found where : for this publication , these considerations are of paramount concern .
12 Fertilizer encourages weeds as well as crops to grow , so the increasing use of fertilizer promotes the increasing use of selective herbicides .
13 The way in which the use of knowledge affected the patterns of life and existence of the people determined whether or not it became adopted .
14 Sign interpreters can be seen to ‘ break down ’ under the stress of an increasing use of articulation to maintain the information in memory for it to be recalled and analysed .
15 Galileo 's argument reflects neither an ultimate separation of science from religion nor the use of science to impugn the miraculous .
16 Effective use of Logo requires the development of mathematical knowledge such as angle , rotation and distance .
17 Much early use of Logo involves the driving of a screen ‘ turtle ’ which can be used to produce mathematical shapes .
18 At the least , the ironworks contributed to the steady clearance of the scrubbier parts of the local woodland ; by the later seventeenth century like the much more wasteful and mobile glass industry of Tudor and Stuart Sussex , they had exhausted much of their best local fuel , and the increased use of coke took the industry elsewhere .
19 If we consider how intonation may be studied in relation to discourse , we can identify two main areas : one of them is the use of intonation to focus the listener 's attention on aspects of the message that are most important , and the other is concerned with the regulation of conversational behaviour .
20 While the government broadly supported the United Statesled coalition and the use of force to reverse the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , the opposition Labour Party was questioned US intentions in the area and argued for pressure to be exerted on Iraq through an intensification of economic sanctions .
21 Vadim Medvedev , the central committee secretary responsible for ideology , ruled out the use of force to bring the CPL to heel , however , telling a press conference : " Our party uses political , not military means . "
22 Later Florey collaborated with Paul Fildes in an experimental study of the use of curare to relieve the intractable muscular spasms which occur in filly developed infection with tetanus or lockjaw .
23 With the abolition of rates , ownership and use of property became the main economic activity that was not taxed , unless it was the income of private landlords .
24 A cat and the occasional use of warfarin keep the rats and mice more or less in check .
25 The whole object of declaring a right is to justify or commend the use of compulsion to alter the existing relationship between individuals is a society .
26 The whole object of declaring a right is to justify or commend the use of compulsion to alter the existing relationship between individuals in a society .
27 The effectiveness of your oral communication depends on whether your use of language has the desired effect .
28 Curiously enough , the same MPs who opposed the building of barracks never objected to the press-gang nor to the occasional use of conscription to keep the army up to strength .
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