Example sentences of "lead down [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A short ladder pitch from one of the ventilation shafts led down into the level .
2 And if national sentiment in the other , France , was initially a response to the threat from England , just as it was in Scotland , there was no doubt of France 's position by the end of the fifteenth century ; the dazzling army and glittering artillery train which Charles VIII led down through the length of Italy in 1494 — for no good reason other than that a young king , with a well-stuffed treasury , would naturally use his wealth to win military renown — symbolized in the most spectacular manner what this kingdom , so recently weakened by war and internal dissension , had now become .
3 ‘ The front door ! ’ said Rose , mightily impressed , as they stood at the top of a flight of wide stone steps , flanked by funerary urns , which led down to the drive .
4 Kit Hegarty moved swiftly around her large house in a quiet road that led down to the sea .
5 The boat house resembled a small chapel built into the sloping land that led down to the water 's edge , except that it was windowless and the bell in the tower no longer rang .
6 From the square in front of the hotel , an avenue led down to the Corniche where people strolled arm iii arm along the Nile .
7 Rachaela left the house and went to the steps which led down to the beach .
8 I spent a lot of time discovering and browsing through the bookshops , and then reading on the lawns which led down to the river Cam from the backs of the colleges .
9 Turning her back on the sunset , she crossed the yard to where a track , wide enough to take a vehicle , led down to the river .
10 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
11 A short flight of stone steps led down to the entrance .
12 Beyond it fell a flight of stone steps which led down to the bank 's vault .
13 She blinked as they emerged into blinding brightness and searing heat , and paused to fumble for her sunglasses before they descended the broad flight of steps that led down to the canal .
14 I hurried down steep Flower Hill , a flowerless road of grey terraced houses and shops that led down to the bridge and the weir .
15 Rousing herself , she glanced at the huge diamond solitaire on her left hand as if for reassurance , before picking up her luggage and heading for the steps which led down to the landing-stage and the vaporetti .
16 So they turned their footsteps in the direction of the dropshaft which led down to the Solitorium .
17 This gave him a view up one of the sidestreets which led down to the corner of the square .
18 The parade I had to lead down from the station to the beat was much longer on nights .
19 She had reached the pier now , and , still fighting against the wind , made for the flight of iron steps leading down to the beach .
20 The greatest single natural attraction of Durness , however , and visited by all who stay or halt there , is the famous Smoo Cave , quickly reached from the road by a much-trodden path leading down to the beach .
21 Set in tropical gardens leading down to the beach , the Nyali Beach is one of Kenya 's best known hotels .
22 There was a gate in the wall that overlooked the seashore — the wall where she and Guido had stood last night — with a flight of stone steps leading down to the beach .
23 The entrance from the road is in the top floor , with all the rooms and public areas on lower levels leading down to the lakeside .
24 Each one seizing his or her bundle of wraps and nearly tumbling over each other on the narrow stair leading down to the cabin deck .
25 Others flow into a stone tank or pond , or have a brick well-housing , with steps leading down to the water .
26 Courses have been run continually since 1812 in this part of the Academy , and with its impressive frontage , parade square and greensward leading down to the lake , it dominates the grounds .
27 The town itself has a pedestrian centre with quaint narrow streets leading down to the lake front .
28 Then , staring across the moonlit yard , she saw his tall figure standing at the top of the slope leading down to the river .
29 He would have gone straight home but made a short diversion when he found Pike the ditcher drunk as a bishop on the corner of the trackway leading down to the church .
30 It 's set in its own park with beautiful rolling gardens leading down to the road which separates the hotel from its own private beach , yet is only a few minutes from the centre .
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