Example sentences of "lead [adv] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Teaching by subject led naturally to organization by subjects , and to the almost baronial power of heads of department within the system .
2 Attempts to protect the American economy by raising tariff rates , as in the Hawley-Smoot tariff of 1930 , led only to retaliation by other countries against American goods .
3 THERE should be excitement leading eventually to excitation in the scientific community following President Reagan 's statement last week of his faith in science and scientists .
4 Not surprisingly , many teachers ( and others ) foresaw , when they read the assessment proposals in TNC , the possibility of a ‘ national maths ( or science , etc. ) day ’ when all pupils would take the nationally prescribed tests leading eventually to publication of results for each class ( and their teacher ) , each school and each LEA .
5 • Media work has a particular significance , leading naturally to discussion of how spoken language and visual accompaniment are interpreted ; this leads to an understanding of the processes of selection , omission and editing which take place when any programme is prepared .
6 The development of relevant critical factors needs to be based on a properly sequenced series of requirements leading logically to success in the market place and hence NPV .
7 Worried about the impact of television on social habits , and disillusioned with British life , they constructed films depicting the destruction of traditional cultural forms , the dead-end nature of the proletarian life and the tawdriness of sexual relationships leading inevitably to closure in marriage .
8 Not that he was short of offers , but most of them , before the banal fashion for numbered sequels , were on the lines of After the Graduate , Another Graduate , Shadow of the Graduate , The Graduate Comes Home and Song of the Graduate , leading inevitably to Son of the Graduate .
9 On reaching corner of hedge , right of way proceeds quarter left , aiming for left-hand side of small conifer plantation just in front of which cross footbridge and proceed to left of plantation to pick up track leading uphill to village of Bag Enderby ( a ) .
10 The essence of the model is that customer satisfaction , people [ employee ] satisfaction and impact on society are achieved through leadership driving policy and strategy , people management , resources and processes leading ultimately to excellence in business results .
11 By defining retirement as coterminous with dependency , the ‘ structured dependency ’ authors inevitably see the trend towards earlier retirement as regrettable , but in fact it need not be so : this depends on the extent to which retirement leads subsequently to poverty in old age , and to discover this it is necessary to look at the other three main determinants of the financial status of the elderly .
12 The nationalist camp in Likud argues that such contrivances will lead eventually to dialogue with the PLO and to the establishment of a Palestinian state .
13 The corporate approach demands , as Bains outlined , a central focus in both departmental and committee structures , and John Stewart has argued that this does not lead necessarily to domination by officers or to policies favourable to any particular groups in society .
14 The same economic and social conditions in the plains area might have led only to loss of soil fertility but not to wholesale soil erosion and environmental collapse .
15 Clearly this damage caused decompression of the pressurised cabin , but it should not necessarily have led automatically to separation of the horizontal tail surfaces .
16 Discussion of the state led then to consideration of the state/civil society relationship .
17 Late in life , having transferred his affections to the alsatian , Queenie , he became a professional bore over the superiority of animals to human beings , an obsession that led almost to derangement on the occasions when Queenie was cut by broken glass .
18 Such compromise would , he suggested , lead inexorably to censorship to ‘ protect Muslim sensibilities against gratuitous provocation ’ .
19 These thoughts lead quickly to avoidance of the feared situation and include , ‘ I 'll be OK if I run home now ’ , ‘ Get away and you 'll be all right ’ .
20 These questions lead inevitably to consideration of segregation and integration of services as well as within an individual service .
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