Example sentences of "lead [pron] away from the " in BNC.

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1 She crossed to the doorway and led them away from the shed .
2 Returning to London , and influenced by Ruskin and Octavia Hill , she went to work as a volunteer at a number of slum-housing projects around Marylebone , where her contributions ranged from carpentry to moral tutoring and advising the poor of the district on careers , and attempting to lead them away from the evils of alcohol .
3 ‘ Oh , do n't be ridiculous , Giles , calm down , calm down , come and have a nice Perrier water , ’ said Liz , taking his other arm , and , with Kate , attempting to lead him away from the fracas , as one would a child in a playground from its tormentor ( for Giles 's antagonist Paul Hargreaves , pale faced , dark suited , silver-grey tied , was smiling calmly with a horrible amusement at this distressing scene ) : but the desperate Giles was beyond leading , and fell back heavily as he attempted to disengage himself from his two intercessors , crashing into a large fern and some pots of bulbs and sending earth and splashes of champagne over the carpet .
4 As soon as the chicks are mobile , she leads them away from the nest and down to the shore .
5 She had not killed him , she was leading him away from the open mouth of the cave and towards the distant city .
6 One Saturday evening she takes Howard by the arm and leads him away from the crowd round the pool and the bar , out of everyone 's earshot .
7 I was n't afraid of Elizabeth but I was frightened of her mother and I was glad the nuns were leading us away from the road where she lived .
8 He took her arm and led her away from the entrance .
9 Connors led him away from the others .
10 His natural instincts led him away from the pomp and ceremony of regal splendour to the poverty of London 's East End .
11 As Henry removed his coat and set his briefcase down , Maisie 's fingers , like demented spiders in a bath , ran this way and that , in any direction , it seemed , that might lead them away from the wistful logic of the melody .
12 Their parents must lead them away from the nest site to other areas where they can collect food and find hiding places .
13 She stroked its neck , led it away from the interested crowd and over to the grass .
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