Example sentences of "lead [pron] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were also concerned that their Equal Opportunities policies should apply to all funded groups , and their awareness of the multi-faceted discrimination experienced by black lesbians and gays led them to fund the Black Lesbian and Gay Centre Project .
2 So I suppose it was frustration that led me to break the cardinal rule of any diplomat behind the Iron Curtain in the good old days .
3 Was this what erm led you to join the Labour Party ?
4 It can link together disparate and formally opposed groups , leading them to discover the morbid pleasures of seeing themselves as ‘ one nation ’ .
5 This leads me to believe the fellow concerned knew little about foxes and even less about rabbiting .
6 Her sexual frustration and jealousy leads her to destroy the hedonistic , deceitful Sapphire who otherwise would have become her sister-in-law .
7 It is what leads her to animate the inanimate in her descriptive passages , and it is the child-in-the-adult that moves us in her most memorable characters ( often male ) : Denisov , Kissov , Gruishunya , Peters .
8 Broadly speaking , Derrida 's rigorous and far-reaching exploration of the implications of Saussure 's claim , that ‘ in language there are only differences without positive terms ’ , leads him to question the key concepts of structuralism ( in particular , sign and structure ) and its methodology ( as represented by poetics and semiology ) .
9 It is his obsession with figures that leads him to make the crucial economic mistakes that he made .
10 Feminist psychosocialization theory 's biologism also leads it to neglect the social and historical power relations in which gendered subjectivities are embedded .
11 Considering inequalities once again leads us to consider the political machinery which is expected to deal with them — a machinery which itself contains and reinforces inequalities .
12 Marcia Pointon 's fascinating essay on the contemporary portrait leads us to question the central relationship between artist , sitter and spectator .
13 The status which it gave him as a disinherited lord led him to oppose the Anglo-Scottish truce of 1323 and helped to persuade him to turn his coat shortly afterwards .
14 This led him to compare the legal codes of archaic and modern societies in much the same manner as Maine had done .
15 Naturally he encountered no opposition based on nationalism , but his fervent support of Islam led him to abandon the tolerant policy his predecessors had adopted towards the Hindu majority , and this probably intensified resistance to his advance .
16 His research on ‘ bio-energetics ’ led him to develop the prize-winning chemiosmotic theory while at Edinburgh University in the early 1960s .
17 Further experiences as a journalist have led me to appreciate the real power of the vested interest , the industrial lobby , the vast nationalised undertaking , and last , but not least , the status quo .
18 ( This might lead one to approve the technical but question the vocational element in TVEI . )
19 Certainly the social sciences are seen to be the arbiters of revolutionary change which might somehow dismantle the police institution and its processes , and this has led it to negate the reforming social scientists , keeping them as outsiders beyond the system .
20 It may lead us to compare the relative increase in costs over a year , believing that we were comparing like with like .
21 An inappropriate model of visual perception will lead us to ask the wrong questions about the parts of the brain we believe to be involved in it .
22 ‘ However much analogy may lead us to conjecture the universal prevalence of law and orderly sequence , it has been acutely remarked that the phenomena which are most immediately important to the life and welfare of man are precisely those which he has never been , and probably never will be , able to reduce to a scientific calculation .
23 The experience of other advanced economies would lead us to expect the increasing dominance of larger manufacturing firms who can benefit more from economies of scale as the level of output and capital investment increases .
24 He would lead us to believe the classic amp designers were mere technicians , while he 's been making tube amps since 1957 .
25 just as a desire to understand absolute holism led us to analyse the substantive claims of Althusser and Poulantzas , so we must now consider work inspired by an attachment to concessive holism in order to reach a clearer view of its guiding interests .
26 It was this kind of evidence that led us to use the social network model in a systematic way : as Ballymacarrett is the most stable and well-established of the communities , we can conclude that the social conditions there are favourable to the emergence of a close-knit network structure of the kind often found in low-status communities ( Young and Wilmott , 1962 ) , and there is ample ethnographic evidence that a close-knit structure of this kind is capable of imposing normative consensus on its members .
27 And do n't let your search for material lead you to choose the obscure for obscurity 's sake , so you feel you will be sure to stun the panel with a piece that has no good professional background .
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