Example sentences of "lead [pron] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the light of the advice from their own officers and consultants , the Council decision to reject all inner northern routes , throws doubt on the decision making process which led them to support an outer northern route .
2 They were also concerned that their Equal Opportunities policies should apply to all funded groups , and their awareness of the multi-faceted discrimination experienced by black lesbians and gays led them to fund the Black Lesbian and Gay Centre Project .
3 These attitudes led them to adopt an interventionist style in the management of local authorities that differred in many ways from the more orthodox approaches discussed in Chapter 5 .
4 It was this that led them to postulate an original state of affairs in which a hypothetical , pre-human , pre-cultural Natural Man was a cow-like creature , without society and without language , living in the wild in a Garden of Eden forest .
5 It was this that later led them to build an electrochemical cell .
6 So I suppose it was frustration that led me to break the cardinal rule of any diplomat behind the Iron Curtain in the good old days .
7 Was this what erm led you to join the Labour Party ?
8 It can link together disparate and formally opposed groups , leading them to discover the morbid pleasures of seeing themselves as ‘ one nation ’ .
9 It may be only outsider skepticism that leads me to see a subtle , probably subconscious new emphasis on the word ‘ choice ’ .
10 This leads me to believe the fellow concerned knew little about foxes and even less about rabbiting .
11 She suggests that women 's distinctive experience leads them to form a moral sensibility that is closer to aesthetic response than to the legalism implicit in much principle-based morality .
12 It 's opening leads one to expect a knowing , ‘ insider ’ political novel , but it turns out to be the story of a destructive sexual passion , complete with purple passages , the saga of a successful man who becomes obsessed with his son 's mistress , who is only too willing to oblige .
13 He started taking his own photographs to publicise his collections when he got impatient with photographers who did not understand what he was trying to say ; this has lead him to launch a parallel career as a photographer and his work is much in demand by magazines who like his candid portraits of such luminaires as Caroline of Monaco .
14 Her sexual frustration and jealousy leads her to destroy the hedonistic , deceitful Sapphire who otherwise would have become her sister-in-law .
15 It is what leads her to animate the inanimate in her descriptive passages , and it is the child-in-the-adult that moves us in her most memorable characters ( often male ) : Denisov , Kissov , Gruishunya , Peters .
16 Broadly speaking , Derrida 's rigorous and far-reaching exploration of the implications of Saussure 's claim , that ‘ in language there are only differences without positive terms ’ , leads him to question the key concepts of structuralism ( in particular , sign and structure ) and its methodology ( as represented by poetics and semiology ) .
17 It is his obsession with figures that leads him to make the crucial economic mistakes that he made .
18 Feminist psychosocialization theory 's biologism also leads it to neglect the social and historical power relations in which gendered subjectivities are embedded .
19 All we in fact observe is that h is regularly followed by B. This consistent association leads us to connect the two in our own minds , to expect A always to be followed by B , and this we then express by saying that A is the cause of B and B the effect of A. This is all perfectly in order , and indeed it is through such links and associations that we build up an ordered and coherent conception of the world around us and make sense of our experience of it .
20 Consideration of those data-types , in the next section , leads us to introduce a different form of computer architecture , the character or byte-oriented computer , where the basic storage unit is much shorter than the word ( typically eight bits long ) and all data-types are multiples of this unit .
21 There is a streak of sadism in his performance which leads us to expect an answering streak of masochism in Katherine .
22 The fact that there have not leads us to consider a possible alternative explanation .
23 Considering inequalities once again leads us to consider the political machinery which is expected to deal with them — a machinery which itself contains and reinforces inequalities .
24 Marcia Pointon 's fascinating essay on the contemporary portrait leads us to question the central relationship between artist , sitter and spectator .
25 MOLLY SCRUTTON 's interest in movement began at an early age and led her to join a junior dance group and later a gymnastics club .
26 I had not told her about my summons to the Palace , but when I appeared in a tail coat , this unusual costume , combined with the insistence on punctuality , led her to make an accurate deduction .
27 Her strong commitment to women 's rights led her to write the first Salvadorean publication on the oppression of women , The Condition of Women in El Salvador , published in Mexico in 1961 .
28 As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism .
29 He was a keen student of the scriptures , particularly the Book of Revelations , and while meditating in his Calabrian retreat on the mystery of the Trinity and how it related to the time-process he had moments of intense spiritual illumination that led him to formulate a new millenarian philosophy of history .
30 The latter led him to publish a pungent tract on patent medicines .
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