Example sentences of "live [prep] the house [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But if you 're interested in the old days , you ought to ask the man who lives in the house over there .
2 The name comes from the chap who lives in the house at the top of the cliff , who became ‘ exceptionally angry ’ and rang the police .
3 Thus his first action on returning to the Questura the day before had been to send his inspectors out to question the people living in the houses along the road to Cannara and talk to the local farmers , just in case anyone had seen anything .
4 Mr. Dennis is living in the house with one of his children , now aged 18 , and with his second wife .
5 He forced his wife to put up with having his mistress living in the house with them .
6 In 1800 Thomas was still living in the house on the north-west side of Fountain Lane , then owned by Mrs. Hellier .
7 Now , after living in the house for nine years , some rooms need redecorating before the others have even been revamped for the first time .
8 Joe straightened his back against the wooden chair , at the same time reaching out and placing one hand flat on the edge of the long polished table and , looking across at Mr Beecham and James Holden , who sat by his side , he said slowly but firmly , ‘ I have no intention of … of living in the house after today .
9 I spect he was pretty angry about t tell him I was living at the house with Marie .
10 At his house , Hogarth provided for himself , a painting room over the stable ; his wife , her widowed mother , Hogarth 's sister , Anne , and a young cousin , Mary Lewis , lived in the house for many years .
11 The daughter of a Cambridge bookbinder lived in the house for a year to teach binding and gilding .
12 For no reason at all his thoughts turned to the girl who lived in the house on stilts .
13 The fighting cocks lived in the house with us , sleeping under their owners sarongs , and periodically exploded , at all hours , with stentorian " cock-a-doodle-doos " — or , rather , their Indonesian equivalent , for here , of course , the animals speak differently .
14 Well it , it must have been heart trouble the earliest memory I have of that is mother sending me with a neighbour out of Street , a Mrs , to tell my Aunt Lucy which was my dad 's sister , who lived in Street house , house was right opposite their gateway , now Aunt Lucy and there was er her family she w married a fella in and her daughter , her son and me uncle was my dad 's brother , I lived in the house with her , but er I remember tagging this Mrs from the Street down to Street along road and past the hospital , then along Walk and I up in Street , and er tagging Mrs and er Mrs had never met Aunt Lucy and er me Aunt Lucy suffered , what in those days they call it white leg , a woman 's complaint she was bedridden and er when we went in she must have asked why we were there , Mrs was a little bit flabbergasted and I blurted it out oh me dad 's dead , and me Aunt Lucy nearly went into hysterics , so that 's , that 's all I can manage I remember about that .
15 One of his alleged accomplices lived in the house of the headman of the village where the theft took place .
16 Oh there 's somebody that lived in the house in
17 Despite frequent reports to the contrary Mrs Maxwell has continued to live in the house since her husband 's death , making just a few short trips away from Oxford .
18 Then the first ‘ maid ’ they ever had was a girl of 16 called Mollie and she had been deserted by her husband and came to live in the house with three tots .
19 The Board had decided that , in the event of a married man being elected ( the matron was remaining in post ) , his wife would be required to live in the house with him , and £15 per annum would be deducted from his salary in respect of her maintenance .
20 He wanted to live in the house with his girlfriend .
21 Of course she knew that Silas had inherited this property , but what she had n't realised was that I have the right to live in the house for my lifetime , or until I happen to marry again .
22 " The mother whose man I live of the house in suggested it , " said Edward .
23 Old Slains stands even more perilously close to the North Sea cliffs , and in high weather the waves climb and spray the windows of the people who live in the houses under the shadow of Old Slains 's remaining high wall .
24 Mr and Mrs X and their children live in the house in the corner by the books .
25 She can live in the house under those conditions or go .
26 Subsequently the son agrees that Mr X can live in the house on every Saturday for ten years .
27 ‘ To meet the case where an owner-occupier puts his house up for sale and moves into a new house but can not at once find a buyer for his old house , the 1965 Finance Act provides for exemption or relief from capital gains tax even though the owner did not actually live in the house for a period of up to 12 months immediately preceding the date of sale .
28 I know of a couple who would suit , and who would live in the house with the children while you yourself were exercising — ’ he smiled , showing false teeth — ‘ your considerable talents on the stage . ’
29 ‘ I 'd rather live in the house with you and your mum , ’ I said , smiling , ‘ but if it 's what you want , then I 'm happy to oblige . ’
30 Where an owner-occupier puts his house up for sale and moves into a new house , exemption or relief from capital gains tax is given even though the owner did not actually live in the house in the twelve months immediately preceding its disposal .
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