Example sentences of "live [prep] the [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Lives near the factory somewhere .
2 Ah ha , you say — that 's just because she lives in the country now .
3 Er and of course I seen the present managers are , are th the one you know only just lives down the road here he 's recently retired .
4 Lyle , who lives on the estate here , will be able to watch Faldo , his fellow Wentworth member , on television today .
5 A reclusive woman lives on the site today , with a fierce and deterring desire to protect her privacy .
6 He lives over the shop still does n't he ?
7 Many of the staff are living with the virus too .
8 At any given time , there are generally eight to ten patients living in the dharmashala together with their family caretakers .
9 Animals and plants living in the desert therefore face severe problems .
10 I would think so and the particularly the folk living in the towns consciously tended to use less Orcadian you know they they 'd more dealings with folk from outside the islands for one thing and folk come on in off ships and so on .
11 Living in the country instead of the stuffy old city .
12 Mrs Sullen is a young gentlewoman , living in the country much against her will , and chafing against marriage to a drunken brute .
13 If , if , if , if it 's , if it 's , if it 's , if it 's two of you living in the house right the poll tax is n't paid by one person , it 's each person is , is responsible for their own poll tax
14 The argument is one of many currently raging between Sefton Council and people living in the town once known as the Garden City of the North .
15 The personal social service departments of local authorities are similarly stretched , with priority in many areas going to statutory work with children , and more and more older people are living in the community either without support or with help from relatives increasingly burdened by this caring role .
16 This seemed a great victory for the undefeated Britons and since those living within the Province also now had cause to hate Rome , this gave them a real hope of a military success .
17 Pliny intended to try and evacuate people living on the coast immediately beneath the volcano , in the area which is now Torre del Greco , but as his galley approached the coast it was showered with hot ashes and sizeable lumps of pumice from the volcano .
18 Ironically , at the time both were leading such hectic lives that even though they were both still living at the family home in Melbourne they had almost no time to spend together .
19 But of course , th , I 'd been living at The Haven then , next to the butcher 's shop .
20 Er and we lived above the shop then .
21 Do n't worry , I lived in the country before , I know what I 'm doing . ’
22 And if we lived in the country then it would n't be me coming home every night whacked out and wanting to be looked after and having a squawking infant instead .
23 A long time ago the Costanoan Indians lived in the area now called Berkeley .
24 She and her sister inherited the Treffry estates in Cornwall from their brother in 1779 , and after her husband 's death in 1786 she lived in the family home , Place , at Fowey .
25 Wycliffe decided to avoid the shop for the moment ; the family lived in the rooms above so there was probably a separate entrance .
26 It was in Liverpool , because I lived in the Wirral then and I used to travel over there every day to put in my hours .
27 It was a heavy fall and Rain 's first thought was for the nervous old woman who lived in the flat below .
28 The number of strips held by households were larger and fewer than around Kursk , but distances between houses and plots were even larger , since peasants lived alongside the water-courses away from their land .
29 He lived down the road there .
30 But then she got married and we lived down the road there for a while till they repaired these , they made these There was very old houses these are .
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