Example sentences of "live [prep] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's relevant because at a time when I lived through the means test the one that , the real one , er then that would have been a very serious point because you could switch and turn and twist the means test in such a way that people would be continually at a disadvantage and the nearest I can think of what the effect of that was , living in a very working town , a very industrial working town and it was nothing like as bad as the one in London more recently , was the homelessness of cardboard boxes cities in London .
2 Cairns lives off the tourist potential of the rain forest , the barrier reef , and some strenuous activities such as bungy jumping which means throwing yourself off a tall cliff at the end of a elastic rope .
3 A list of words predefined style lives in the Style box on the left side of the Ribbon .
4 He lives in the first-floor flat with his common law wife and two children .
5 ‘ Mrs Wilberforce lives in the basement flat ; she keeps herself to herself . ’
6 ‘ He lives in the basement flat . ’
7 Billy Andrews , who lives in the Cregagh area , discovered the three-month-old pet was missing from his garage yesterday afternoon .
8 Married with two children he lives in the Colchester area .
9 Paddy , he 's of Irish descent , he lives in the Newark area and if it 's h found , if he 's found it 's hoped that Paddy can be included in a reunion .
10 He lives in the Stroud District and he 'd demanding that local people should be refunded the £7 million they 've paid in water charges .
11 Rosa , who is poorest of all , lives in the gypsy camp over the slope at the far end of the valley .
12 A recent convert to machine knitting , Alison originally trained as a nurse , she then married and now lives in the Surrey countryside with her family , a varied collection of animals and her Singer Freestyle knitting machine !
13 Only 15% of the population of Thailand lives in the Bangkok area , which accounts for half of GDP .
14 ‘ Ian still lives in the Scarborough area and naturally reckons first team action is better than playing in the reserves , ’ said McHale .
15 Police believe the rapist probably lives in the Kidlington area .
16 Denis Kinsella ( 26 ) who lives in the Nottingham area and Pairic MacFhloinn ( 39 ) who is from Eire , are jointly charged with the attempted murder of 25-year-old Pc Mark Toker and with kidnapping .
17 A third defendant , John Kinsella ( 48 ) an uncle of Denis Kinsella , who also lives in the Nottingham area , is charged with the other two with conspiracy to cause explosions on or before February 26 in Warrington and elsewhere in the United Kingdom .
18 Now I know she lives in the Nottingham area now although she 's been widowed quite a few years .
19 In the 1940s , Angélique Arvanitaki , and in the 1950s and 1960s Ladislav Tauc , in Paris , began studies of the sea mollusc Aplysia , a slug-like hermaphrodite creature which lives on the sea floor close to the beach and grazes on seaweed .
20 Arthur Allen lives on the Rosehill estate in Oxford .
21 Arthur Allen lives on the Rosehill estate in Oxford .
22 He lives on the garden level because he suffers from gout . ’
23 Bosses of the Tory-controlled authority say she can not stay in the school because she lives outside the priority area .
24 Q. A polar what , lives at the north pole ?
25 She 's riding her Dad 's horse , Formula One , who lives at the Caradoc Court stables of John Edwards near Ross on Wye .
26 Surveys revealed that a third of the population lived below the poverty line .
27 The result of all this was that , although at the end of the century a third of the population still lived below the poverty line and the diet of the poorest included items such as white bread , condensed milk , and vegetable oil margarine , the earnings of a Lancashire cotton operative in 1913 permitted him ‘ a breakfast of coffee or tea , bread , bacon and eggs — when eggs are cheap — a dinner of potatoes and beef , an evening meal of tea , bread and butter , cheap vegetables or fish , and a slight supper at moderate price ’ .
28 Hard , smart , and living off the enterprise culture .
29 Unemployed people are described as lazy , scroungers , living off the tax payer , etc .
30 Virchow , it is worth noting , provided a precedent for the suggestion when he held that the simian cast to bones of Neanderthal man reflected not a separate line in the evolution of Homo but rickets in man living during the Wu∘rm ice age .
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