Example sentences of "live [coord] [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , when groups from such communities move to and settle in countries living and eating in Western style , and adopt Western habits , repeated surveys and studies have shown that , gradually , over the years , they too become equally prone to the ‘ big Cs ’ and all those other Western diseases .
2 I hate unidentified corpses — ca n't help thinking of women and children , living and waiting in false hopes .
3 He had also felt that , contrary to popular supposition , a dangerous loneliness might afflict priests living and working in rural places , however lovely .
4 Until well into the nineteenth century the nation 's coalminers were not regarded as a race apart , living and working in closely-knit communities dominated by the colliery 's winding gear and huge , ugly muck stacks , but merely as one of a number of groups of village craftsmen and labourers .
5 Towards the end of each I will describe a recent example of a person who lived and suffered in such a way .
6 At the centre of all that lived and moved in this ghastly universe was the mine .
7 And that the reality of geography is that people will chose to live or develop in accessible locations .
8 There is no need for me to live and die in this little world , with my only view a view out of the same window , at the same spruce-trees , the view from my bed .
9 Last summer , I had an opportunity to live and work in rural Czechoslovakia , a very different culture .
10 Studying in Edinburgh provides a student with an opportunity to live and work in one of the most attractive cities in the country .
11 The houses are modern and living conditions are good , but most people would admit that tax concessions are the main incentives which encourage people to live and work in such extreme climatic conditions .
12 B. More people desire to live and work in southern England and around London than in the Midlands .
13 Questioned about the nature of the Norway exercise , the MoD spokesman said the men had been learning to live and fight in Arctic conditions .
14 However for many who live and/or work in such communities the picture he paints is recognisable .
15 Addressing Congress five days after the assassination , he hit exactly the right note : " Let us here highly resolve that J.F. Kennedy did not live or die in vain . "
16 Six artists and arts administrators , who live and work in rural areas of Suffolk , have been brought together to act as the fund 's voluntary advisors .
17 With all sincerity er Mr Chairman on behalf of the people who live and work in that area I move the amendment .
18 It is not intended to provide the detail that is rightly expected by the local communities who live and work in close proximity to our operations , and which we provide through locally published reports .
19 Selective inmigration as rural-urban fringe parishes attract mobile , middle-class commuters who live and work in distinct and separate social and economic worlds from the established populations ; and although
20 ‘ How convenient that we live and work in different countries ! ’ she taunted waspishly , disinclined to make his victory too sweet , total though they both knew it was .
21 The object of this research is to further consider material , collected in 1980/81 from residents and staff in a representative sample of local authority homes throughout England with a view to developing a multivariate model of the factors which impinge upon the daily lives of those who live and work in old people 's homes .
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