Example sentences of "meet at [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I knew that it would at the very least be fun to fail again , however effortlessly , and we agreed to meet at a pub in Barnes on the following evening .
2 They had arranged to meet at a pub in Soho , not far from Helen 's flat .
3 A more fundamental design fault is the positioning of our noses above our mouths , which requires our food and air passages to meet at the back of the throat , an arrangement which exists because the nostril in fish is not a breathing passage , but an opening to a chemical sense organ .
4 Innocent III himself by the bull " Vineam Domini " of April 1213 summoned a great council to meet at the Lateran in Rome on 1 November 1215 to be known as the Fourth Lateran Council .
5 The three brothers had agreed to meet at the beginning of October , at Metz , where their father was buried .
6 A special Court of Governors was requested to meet at the infirmary on Saturday February 19th 1814 at 1 o'clock to elect a physician .
7 The Committee for the Preservation of Morals was to meet at the house of Mrs Murphy , the wife of the Mayor .
8 In the pre-civil war period , one group of clerics and laymen who shared this approach and who thus opposed the confrontational policies of Laud and his followers , began to meet at the house of Lucius Cary , Lord Falkland , at Great Tew in Oxfordshire .
9 The walks come as the International Whaling Committee is to meet at the end of this month when the whaling nations are expected to ask to have a ban on whaling lifted .
10 A final decision , to ban or not to ban , will be taken by all 63 members of the county authority when the council next meets at the end of next month .
11 Bishop James Xie Shiguang , 74 , from Xiapu in Fujian province , and two priests , Fr Zhu Rutan and Fr Zheng Xinzong , had been arrested in July 1990 at a religious discussion meeting at a church in Fujian .
12 Businessmen meeting at the Institute of Directors ' annual convention this week said they wanted a sustained , long-lasting recovery , rather than a repeat of boom-bust .
13 Their work is discussed with the deputy head ( pupil services ) and they attend a staff meeting at the beginning of each day .
14 They will be meeting at the beginning of April .
15 The intergovernmental conferences on political union and economic and monetary union , meeting at the level of heads of state and government , reached agreement on the draft treaty on European union based on the texts concerning political union and on the draft treaty text concerning economic and monetary union …
16 He wondered what had happened to handsome Georgie , the boy he was supposed to be meeting at the pub on the night of the murder .
17 FIFA president Joao Havelange and general secretary Sepp Blatter were holding a crisis meeting at the time with UEFA officials and French federation president Jean Fournet-Fayard , who had been urgently summoned to Zurich .
18 TOP industrialists from the United States travelled to Snowdonia to hold a board meeting at the site of their latest acquisition Austin Taylor Communications Ltd at Bethesda .
19 Most surprising of all , at a quarterly delegate meeting at the end of 1873 , " it was generally held that there could be no reasonable objection to their [ women 's ] employment to a certain extent ; the main point in dispute being , was it right to put a limit on their number and … to what extent and how to apply the rule " .
20 But on reflection , a quick little sub-committee meeting at the end of Christmas Day he said well we 've paid it now , but we are in fact , in hand
21 The decision to agree in principle came at a Labour group meeting at the start of COSLA 's annual conference .
22 This was particularly so in the Passchendaele sector of the Ypres salient , for the ground was reclaimed swamp and water was met at a depth of 45cm/ 18in .
23 Henry and Jimmy went off on a 48 hour pass with a couple of nurses they had met at a dance in Cambridge , so , feeling decidedly sour , Rosemary and I went into Cambridge on our own on Christmas Eve .
24 A month after the Thames and Chilterns Tourist Board went into voluntary liquidation , creditors owed nearly a third of a million pounds , met at a hotel in Thame to find out why .
25 they had met at a number of police conferences .
26 There were two daughters of the marriage , Sophie , born in 1830 , who became the wife of Sir George Bailey , of Seal Close , in the Lincolnshire Wolds , and Christabel , born in 1825 , who lived with her parents until in 1853 a small independence , left her by a maiden aunt , Antoinette de Kercoz , enabled her to set up house in Richmond in Surrey , with a young woman friend whom she had met at a lecture of Ruskin 's .
27 I can tell you that in fact erm the erm guests and the members of the press were actually , they actually met at a point in Bicester
28 He was so moved by the sufferings of the wounded at the battle of Solferino ( the Lombard village where the French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in June 1859 ) that he published a book urging the formation of permanent voluntary aid societies to succour the wounded in time of war , and this so caught international imagination that in 1863 , sixteen European nations met at a conference in Geneva to launch the plan .
29 Nevertheless , their souls met at the weekend in Rick 's Cafe Americain , where men dressed in crisp linen suits drank bourbon beneath whispering ceiling fans under the watchful eye of a Moroccan inspector of police .
30 Members of the board met at the weekend in Berlin to discuss Harvestehudur 's request for a postponement in order to compete in the Glenfiddich .
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