Example sentences of "already [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The teacher asks if any of those present have already travelled in the West and some of the class claim knowledge of the dangers and difficulties of the journey .
2 Have we not already witnessed on the television his Scargill-type debate on the floor of the House during MPs ' Question Time ?
3 At twenty-two , he was already recognized within the ballet world as the most gifted dance creator of his generation , and George Balanchine commissioned him to make a work for New York City Ballet .
4 We have already pointed to the way in which stratification may well inhibit the full development of talent in a society as a result of inequality of opportunity , which inevitably means that a stratified society is not utilising its talent resources fully .
5 The previous Government , however , had already pointed to the need to revitalize urban economies , and at first the shift was more rhetorical than real .
6 The Christmas tree was already ensconced in the drawing-room , so they had arranged to have tea in the dining-room , where a lovely fire was blazing .
7 ‘ I was courteously received at the Guildhall , but found , to my chagrin , my lord of Gloucester already ensconced in the chair of state .
8 A critical relationship had already developed between the PLO and the Palestinians of the territories .
9 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ internal market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
10 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ Internal Market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
11 In the recent film Return of the Jedi , for example , the imaginative licence of science fiction is combined with a reverence for genres already developed within the film industry in order to offer images of Orientalism and primitivism extended and exaggerated beyond the point of realistic representation of ‘ other ’ peoples or goods ( for an extension of this argument see Miller forthcoming ; for a comparable example see Spooner 1986 ) .
12 In 1605 it began trading at Surat , which was convenient for the Persian trade already developed by the Muscovy Company and also for diplomatic contact with the Moghul capital at Agra .
13 The Syrians had already broken through the rampart of sand but as we approached , a Palestinian holding a rifle walked up to our car .
14 Local hotel owner Julio Contreras is worried that if the bridge stays closed for much longer , some businesses , already ravaged by the recession , will close .
15 This process of self-observation has already matured from the assimilation of media images , which are often more strongly inforced than the female role-models in everyday life .
16 Smith told police he thought the girls had already jumped from the bay when he , Harper and Winter had run off .
17 I have already commented on the suggestion , made by both conservative Christians and Christian feminists , that the Spirit should be seen as specifically female .
18 I have already commented on the fertility of the plot , and the weeds loved it .
19 I have already commented on the book 's failure to mention the work of Lehrl , from West Germany : equally missing is the outstanding work of Volkmar Weiss and the Mehlhorns in East Germany , of A. Firkowska and others in Poland , of N. G. Lipovecheja and his colleagues in the USSR , and many others .
20 Her mother , who looked extremely tired , had already commented on the fact that she had had yet another sleepless night .
21 We have already commented on the corruption of ‘ Jesus the Nazarean ’ into ‘ Jesus of Nazareth ’ .
22 A few observers had already commented on the effectiveness of coaching for tests , a factor which was to lead to the first serious public disquiet over tests as measurement of innate , unalterable and asocial ability — although such comments were not yet thoroughly substantiated .
23 He was already beneficed in the diocese of York , for in 1264 he had obtained a papal dispensation to hold the rectory of Welwick in Holderness with two other benefices with cure of souls .
24 The king 's death had not , however , cancelled the grant of a tax on aliens granted in his last parliament and this fell due at Midsummer , although £400 was already assigned to the household and the remainder apparently earmarked for the coronation .
25 The king 's death had not , however , cancelled the grant of a tax on aliens granted in his last parliament and this fell due at Midsummer , although £400 was already assigned to the household and the remainder apparently earmarked for the coronation .
26 I had already gathered from the groom that Sir John had not left so , when I came to a small copse of trees , I took my horse deep inside , hobbled it and sat on a boulder .
27 The steps include banning chlorofluorocarbons — already limited under the Montreal Protocol to protect the ozone layer — and restricting emissions of air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds , which are limited by the Clean Air Act .
28 Women and children 's freedom is already limited on the streets .
29 The purchaser 's lawyers will usually proceed by gathering all information already given to the purchaser and then issuing an information questionnaire to the vendor similar to that set out in Appendix II .
30 I 'll tell him what we 've already arranged for the week and find out if there are any special requests or queries .
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