Example sentences of "perhaps the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To return to Molla Fenari , one can not then determine with any certainty the date of his journey to Egypt since it is impossible to assert confidently which of the seemingly contradictory facts or sets of facts-Ibn Hajar 's statement that he made the journey in 778 , Taskopruzade 's statement that he went in company with Seyyid Serif , Taskopruzade 's association of Seyyid Serif 's arrival in Karaman with Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's death , and so on-deserves most weight , though perhaps the specific nature of Ibn Hajar 's date argues in its favour while , equally , the slight suspicion which always attaches to attempts to associate great figures of the past argues against the association of Molla Fenari and Seyyid Serif .
2 It is very difficult to predict what developments are likely in the future except for communities to realise more and more that this issue is very much part of the struggle for human rights and that perhaps the specific right to one 's mother tongue is something multilingual communities need to think about when they go to the ballot box .
3 Perhaps the outstanding legacy of Napoleon 's invasion lay with the bevy of experts he had brought with him who created the " Institute d'Egypte " producing numerous volumes that were to launch Egyptology in the Western academic world and , in time , to remind educated Egyptians of former glories .
4 Perhaps the prevailing attitude towards adolescents was most plainly and simply described by the objectives of the Birmingham CCC : ‘ To bridge the gulf between the disciplined life of the school and the comparative freedom of the industrial world ; to ensure that care of the young shall not cease with the end of school life ; and to provide the means for the guidance of young persons through the difficulties and perils of adolescence . ’
5 But perhaps the fastest rate of change , has been achieved in printer technology .
6 Perhaps the deep concern of the horsemen to keep their high standard of work even in the ordinary day-to-day ploughing can best be understood when we look at it against the background of a practice that was once common in many parts of Suffolk .
7 Durkheim is perhaps the key protagonist of this dominant theme of profound social change .
8 Perhaps the key issue of the 1980s was resources .
9 However , Attlee 's position was a complex one : he was more ready than anyone to criticize strategic arguments used to justify such expenditure , but was never willing to push the arguments to the extent of causing a serious rift with Bevin , who was perhaps the key minister in the government after Attlee .
10 Perhaps the key influence on the Chicago School was , however , G. H. Mead .
11 You certainly do n't have to be a bible scholar to read this chapter and realize that perhaps the key word in it is the word lost .
12 In general , the move is towards supporting the spoken language so that deaf children can more easily fit into the community as a whole , but perhaps the key insight from Tervoort 's study is the perception of the range of solution available to educators in different countries .
13 Since staff recruitment is perhaps the key task of a bureau 's management committee , it is normal for the chairman and perhaps one other member of the committee to participate in the interviewing process .
14 It is also interesting as perhaps the key example of a special system designed to minimize political influence at the local level , since local authority involvement is only indirect and slight .
15 Perhaps the key figure in opening up that debate , and reviving the issue of the franchise , was John Bright , at least before Gladstone 's conversion to the cause .
16 Indeed fluidity — of both form and texture is perhaps the chief characteristic of a type of music so free and richly varied that it defies definition .
17 Death evoked perhaps the chief expression of traditional social life — every man in death commands a multitude .
18 Poverty and overcrowding are characteristic of the greater part of the Canning Town and Silvertown areas , which make up what is perhaps the largest part of unbroken depression in East London .
19 For the time being , the Dutch succeeded in retaining first place in Asian and African trade and were able to retain what was perhaps the largest share in the transit traffic to Spanish America .
20 A fourth and perhaps the largest reason for attending to causation is that we do well to avoid the general conceptual uncertainty that must be part of an inquiry which leaves undefined any of its fundamental ideas which are open to definition .
21 So perhaps the total inventory of species during warm times is , in practice , as high or even higher than in cooler times .
22 For reasons which are obscure , such strenuous activities amid inspiring scenery appealed particularly to Anglo-Saxon intellectuals and professional men of liberal leanings ( perhaps the close company of tough and handsome native guides had something to do with it ) , so that mountaineering joined long country walks as a characteristic activity of Cambridge academics , higher civil servants , public-schoolmasters , philosophers and economists , to the amazement of Latin , though not entirely of Germanic , intellectuals .
23 Perhaps the close proximity to No 4 Group — and Roddy Carr , the Group Commander — might have influenced " Black Jack " McEwan , the Canadian Air Vice-Marshal , since they were the only two Groups which supported Bennett entirely during those troublesome times , from the PFF 's formation to the end of the war .
24 Perhaps the logical extension of this getting undressed for success in this month 's Playboy , in which Sandra 's regular photographer Michel Comte pictures her in various states of undress ‘ with women , with men — nothing very raunchy .
25 Perhaps the strange lack of concern in ‘ A ’ Squadron 's diary and reports , and the fact that I heard so little from the regiment subsequently , may reflect a suspicion ( or knowledge ) on their part .
26 Perhaps the other races on this world are the descendants of the people of this one-time Empire .
27 Okay , so , perhaps the other side of that coin might explain why agricultural trade , right , has declined in relative terms alright .
28 This was perhaps the one element of veiled blackmail in Baldwin 's dealing with the King , the faint suggestion that if he was too awkward with the Government he might end up without either the Throne or the freedom to marry Mrs Simpson .
29 Perhaps the one exception to this concerns the unsatisfactory cleaning of the Pottery Hut .
30 This sense of completeness , experienced in ( 2 ) by contrast with ( 1 ) is perhaps the one aspect of intensional structure which is purely linguistic : ( 1 ) angry residents ( 2 ) residents are angry
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