Example sentences of "far [det] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 First , far fewer of the snowball sample had used other opioids prior to heroin use ( 13 per cent against 23 per cent ) , and this was restricted in the main to older males ( modal age of 29 ) .
2 It was clear to The Times that bankruptcy was far less of a protection to creditors than a licence to dishonest traders to speculate with other persons ' property .
3 Theatre architecture is far less of a handicap to the absorption of an audience in the plight of Miller 's characters than his creaky dramaturgy and reverence for the banal and the hokey .
4 But this year it was far less of a spectacle at Eastern Creek , near Sydney .
5 Their place in a group dominated by the Catholics no doubt reflected the regent 's desire for consent from Catholic and protestant alike ; and as yet she saw little reason to fear the Protestants , who must still have seemed to her far less of a threat than the strong Huguenot party in France .
6 Conservationists argue that they are far less of a threat to stocks of fish such as salmon than water diversion schemes and bad logging practices .
7 Their primary audiences may differ , as may some of their aims and , in consequence , their modes of analysis and communication , but quite a few of their findings and methods are the same , a fact which is all too often ignored , at least by ourselves — the consumers of our wares often make far less of a distinction .
8 Offshore wind farms would be more expensive to establish but far less of an eyesore .
9 There is far less of the mystification which can be attributed to the account of the troubles in Guerrillas : what we get is the mysterious politics of forest and township as observed by an outsider , by an African Asian who understands a good deal of what is going on .
10 If you are upgrading an XT class machine then you can re-use far less of the hardware .
11 By using public transport , cycling and walking and so on , we are actually wasting far less of the world 's oil and all the other resources used to make cars .
12 And I know there are speakers coming on that know far more about the N H S than I do , so I 'm not gon na go on too long .
13 No no er erm well er there is Prunus that 's a plum I mean a cherry that grows up and various ones like that the only trouble is with these type of things they can be more of a nuisance than the trees that you do have now because those trees growing up those spindly ones as you put it erm some gardeners call them or whatever name they use I but the trouble is bits die in the centre of those and they tend to drop down and they can be in time more far more of a nuisance than the trees they 've got now which seems to me quite suitable .
14 This is easy enough with record sheets and drawings , which can simply be photocopied or put on to microfilm , but is far more of a problem with a photographic record comprising hundreds or thousands of slides and photographs .
15 It 's far more of a risk than being overweight , so do n't let the fear of putting weight on stop you from giving up cigarettes .
16 Buckley has been in this job since 1988 and in the department since 1981 , but she started as a lawyer in private practice , a profession where equality is far more of a reality than in industry .
17 Well they , they had to do the , it had n't used to have very good drainage and far more of a slope , it , it 's far more level today than it used to be , it used to have a great slope towards the long end which was considered an advantage to Walsall and the water used to gather , but I believe the improved the drainage and had pipes put under which it , it does n't seem to gather water so much now down at the railway end .
18 Night netting can be carried out after dark around well stocked game covers with only minimal disturbance to the birds in places where both shooting and ferreting the rabbits would be far more of an interference .
19 In my own relatively trivial example what struck me forcefully was the assumption that being born in Canada seemed to make me more ‘ one of us ’ in the Immigration Officer 's eyes than ‘ one of them ’ , despite the fact that , within terms of the European Community , being Irish should make me far more of an insider .
20 In Unix , it has succeeded in creating the impression that it has far more of the management , security and support capabilities in place than any of its competitors , and while this may not be entirely valid , time and again in the computer industry , winning the perception is nine tenths of the battle : in the 1970s , it was universally acknowledged among the cognoscenti that Burroughs Corp had by far the best mainframe architecture and operating software , but that did nothing to prevent the vast majority of its users migrating to IBM over time .
21 Painted straight onto the walls , this commission took far more of the artist 's time than he had bargained for , and Lutyens had to be firm with his friend to make him finish it .
22 They have high inflation , I might add to you that it had a far far more damaging effect on poor old pensioners , like myself and I 'm a war pensioner as well , poor old pensioners t to be serious , old people and people of limited means who are affected far more by the cure , the other cure that the Labour party tried that that was high inflation , mind you I 'm sure that they tried it , I think it just happened .
23 So far most of the conclusions are broadly in line with other studies , but there is a brief , but interesting , discussion about carers ' groups , where the authors state that , contrary to the present emphasis professionals give to self-help , ‘ the last thing ( carers ) wanted to do with the little free time they had was to talk about elderly people ’ .
24 So far most of the business successes are small family-owned ones : groceries , restaurants , garages .
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