Example sentences of "believe that this [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They believed that this course of action was morally and politically desirable despite the fact that the manufacture of napalm did not generate much profit , that the company 's manufacturing facilities could have been more profitably employed in the manufacture of some other chemical , and that the company 's public image and recruitment activities were being damaged by the continued manufacture of napalm .
2 And I believed that this world of darkness and changing images went on without a break , as unceasingly as the other less real one outside , wherever outside was , and by some unlikely philanthropic gesture of the city corporation was allowed to co-exist and be connected by the little dark doors with dark portholes .
3 We do not believe that this kind of analysis can be politically or morally neutral — and nor should it , for our understanding of the situation is that the penal system is morally indefensible and is in dire need of a programme of radical reform which will inevitably be highly political .
4 I do n't believe that this city of ours was preordained , or was entirely a function of the recent past .
5 There is every reason to believe that this degree of movement was typical of the corn-growing regions , but we have to constantly bear in mind that one part of England may have very different experiences from another and that even neighbouring communities might have contrasting stories to tell .
6 ‘ Yes , I know some people might think we are because we occasionally partner each other , but you should have known better — or perhaps not , since you never had any scruples about being a party to another man 's infidelity six years ago , which leads me to believe that this show of conscience on Cavell 's behalf is just that — show !
7 Side by side with Voltaire and Kant , with their admiration of constructive and public-spirited autocrats , were others such as Helvétius , Holbach , Diderot and Rousseau , who refused to believe that this form of rule , however ‘ enlightened ’ , could do anything for the liberation of the individual subject .
8 Yet it is very hard to believe that this sort of explanation can account for more than a handful of hoards , if any .
9 There are those who sincerely believe that this portion of scripture with wise men , virgin birth and a star has the authentic stamp of history upon it .
10 Although this involves the use of rather advanced techniques compared with the running of simple transfers and dubs , many enthusiasts believe that this type of editing is essential to the making of ‘ real ’ movies , and look on it as the key creative element in their video activities .
11 Some economists believe that this kind of market mechanism is the most effective way of reducing pollution .
12 Giving the opening address to the conference , Mr Maclean said : ‘ I believe that this network of environmental enforcement agencies is indeed an historic development in the field of environment protection .
13 We on this side of the house believe that this extension of the franchise to E C citizens resident in Britain is a clear affirmation of our practical commitment to greater European cooperation and rights that apply to all European citizens .
14 I believe that this application for a residence order is yet another step in this game and that neither parent has been able or willing to see matters from the children 's point of view or in terms of their feelings , experiences and level of understanding .
15 I believe that this arrangement of letters is even easier to read and to scan for items of particular interest and relevance , both for the general practitioner and during further hospital follow up .
16 Now irrespective of what substantially complete coverage means or from one t when one takes the five year period , the message is clear , erm local authorities are expected to get on with their district wide local plans and I believe that this step by step approach on the new settlement is going to introduce delays into district wide local plan preparation .
17 We believe that this aspect of general SVQs makes for a better programme , because it emphasises the vocational relevance of skills like numeracy and information technology .
18 Like Marx , the first generation of communists after 1917 still believed that this process of relentless industrialization would speed the emergence of a society without want or privilege , based on the maxim , ‘ From each according to his ability , to each according to his needs . ’
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