Example sentences of "believe that [noun] have [det] " in BNC.

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1 As it happens , of course , this conclusion conforms to the observations of Freud , who believed that women had less sense of justice than men and are more often influenced in their judgements by feelings of affection or hostility .
2 Furthermore , Engles and Morgan believed that matriliny had another , more important implication ; that is , it implied matriarchy or rule by women .
3 Those who were educated prior to the mid-1970s may well believe that history has little to contribute to education in the 1990s because they believe it still to be predominantly concerned with narrative chronology with much copying down of dictated notes .
4 I do not believe that linguistics has any contribution to make to the teaching of English or the standard European languages .
5 Up until now there has been no need to believe that neutrinos have any mass at all .
6 On the contrary , many in the popular movement believe that Fatah has more interest , as one activist put it , in hospitals than in mobile health clinics , in bureaucracy than in local control , and in co-operation with the economic and political notables than with grass-roots movements .
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