Example sentences of "believe that [conj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The committee also believed that while corporate management had implications for both councillors and officers , the structure applicable to one side was not applicable to the other .
2 Apparently industrialised nations and their politicians torture themselves into believing that if Third World countries are turned into amphitheatres of food and agricultural research , lustily cheered on and abetted by Western ‘ gurus ’ , everything will be hunky-dory .
3 I I 'm certainly not My Lords er un er er an unqualified admirer of all our procedures in local Government , but I do believe that before central Government is further down the road of , of erm usurping functions which are now those of local government it has to persuade a large number of people that its own performance justifies such a course and myself I do n't believe it does .
4 Yes , it is difficult to believe that before Sly Stallone was blasting out showers of bullets , he was at one time more likely to be seen wielding a pair of scissors and blowing hot and cold with a hairdryer .
5 Those who take the view that capitalism operates to favour those with capital at the expense of those who merely have their labour to sell tend to believe that when new technology is developed and applied in a basically capitalist society the result is likely to be that jobs are degraded and the quality of working life of those in employment suffers .
6 I do n't think so and I I find it difficult to believe and disappointing to believe that as many man are would deliberately spoil their vote .
7 We believe that if real progress is made in extending public rights of access to the countryside and making these rights a practical reality , it may be possible to negotiate a more flexible approach in an atmosphere of trust .
8 However , I believe that if Scottish Enterprise has the matter in hand , it could not be better dealt with .
9 They believe that if socialist revolution has not arrived today , it will come tomorrow .
10 We believe that if this practice became general , consumers would become better aware both of the advantages to them of establishing a ‘ good ’ credit record and of their potential part in putting right any rare mistakes in their credit record .
11 Biologists believe that as this horn is pressed , hopefully by the proper host , spores are extruded , usually two to the customer .
12 It believes that unless urgent action is taken , on this front , law enforcement agencies will be deprived of a potentially powerful weapon against international crime .
13 She believes that before any adult can reach his or her full potential , they must first turn their attention to healing the hurt child within .
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