Example sentences of "believe [conj] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Westermarck ( 1891 ) believed that satisfying sexual relationships are not formed between people who have spent their childhood together .
2 In the Far East , they believed that Chinese Communist subversion would create increasing instability and prevent any reduction of force levels East of Suez .
3 She did not believe that the wicked could be caught by ten-year-old children and returned to the police station in exchange for a pony , any more than she believed that constant hot water would make young mothers smile constantly with relief and proud love .
4 He rejected hot methods of evangelism by mission and believed that quiet rational exposition was the true Christian way even if its results were not spectacular .
5 Yet paradoxically in 1956 it was the British government which chose to embark upon a high-risk and impulsive policy once it believed that fundamental national interests were at stake .
6 You may have been conned into believing that successful human beings are the ones with loads of brains and loads of friends but the truth is different !
7 It is highly critical of abstract theorizing , believing that positivist legal theory ‘ is an exercise in logic and not in life ’ It adopts a sociological approach to evaluating the meaning and purpose of law and the style is rooted in a social scientific approach .
8 which is the first line of the fabliau Le Prestre qui ot mere a force , " The priest who had a mother forced upon him " , without believing that medieval French writers and readers of fabliaux could also be highly conscious , however flippantly , of the problematic nature of terms such as " truth " in the context of this genre .
9 I am always accused of , and criticised for , my comments on the establishment that runs British tennis and it is true that I have been , and will continue to be , critical in the future , but I do believe that constructive critical assessment performs a valuable function .
10 But we do not believe that major organisational changes in the commercial sector are explained in these terms .
11 with intent to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against him or another by a person or
12 ‘ with intent to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against him or another by any person ’ This means a deliberate frame of mind on the part of the offender to cause a certain belief on the part of the victim .
13 ‘ with intent to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence would be used against him or another by any person ’ This point , if used , can be proved by the officer in the case questioning the offender , e.g. ‘ Did you want that Notown Football Club supporter to believe that you and your friends were going to hit him ? ’
14 ‘ ( 1 ) A person is guilty of an offence if he — ( a ) uses towards another person threatening , abusive or insulting words or behaviour , or ( b ) distributes or displays to another person any writing , sign or other visible representation which is threatening , abusive or insulting , with intent to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him or another by any person , or to provoke the immediate use of unlawful violence by that person or another , or whereby that person is likely to believe that such violence will be used or it is likely that such violence will be provoked . ’
15 Section 4(1) provides that the offence is committed if the defendants act with intent to cause a person to believe that immediate unlawful violence is about to be used , or with intent to provoke such unlawful violence .
16 Applying what was explained there , it may be said that a person intends to cause a person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him when he ( the person uttering the threats , etc. , ) either desires to cause such an effect , or when he realises what impact his conduct is almost certain to have and nevertheless persists with it .
17 And just as nobody at first believed that the Germans slaughtered Jews , nobody wanted to believe that young American soldiers could kill women and babies .
18 Power was conferred upon the chief officer of police to impose conditions on the holding of public processions where he had reasonable grounds to believe that serious public disorder was likely to ensue from the holding of a procession .
19 We believe that good clinical practice should include monitoring the concentrations of streptomycin during treatment , both to avoid potentially toxic concentrations and to ensure adequate dosage .
20 I believe that total green belt space has doubled since 1979 .
21 But if Marxists believe that liberal democratic input politics can open state organizations to accommodating class struggle , then their arguments threaten to blur into those of pluralists or democratic elite theorists .
22 And yet … do I in any sense believe that poor old Eddy shall put on immortality ?
23 Many physicians also believe that simple renal cysts commonly cause microscopic haematuria and mild proteinuria .
24 On the other hand , if Marx , like most of the anthropologists of his time , saw the study of human society as the continuation of biological evolution , he did not , as they did , believe that human historical processes were the same as the processes of natural selection .
25 Many anthropologists believe that Australian Aboriginal tribes may have had contact with India via the once existing land mass that stretched from southern India almost to Australia .
26 In principle , we believe that independent employer-led arrangements which have the full support of employers offer the best way forward for industrial training .
27 And they also believe that would-be organic farmers should be encouraged with financial incentives .
28 A post-resignation statement demonstrates he was never in sympathy with Congressional policies , especially regarding ‘ decency ’ language : ‘ I believe that adequate Federal government support of the arts , free of content restrictions , is vital to our educational , economic , community and intellectual success as a country .
29 It was believed that Western military preponderance throughout most of Asia and Africa had been undercut by the balancing effect of the Soviet Union , which made formal American military alignment with Third World states both more hazardous and anachronistic .
30 Feyerabend himself believes that current scientific teaching produces an ‘ unenlightened conformism ’ .
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