Example sentences of "though this [modal v] have been " in BNC.

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1 There are many places which may have had galleries in the past , but without reliable references , Deeds , an old painting or some remains of original woodwork they have not been included , tempting though this would have been .
2 It is strange , however , that Garrick did not subscribe for Leapor 's volumes , since at almost the same time he subscribed for the Irish bricklayer poet , Henry Jones , though this may have been done to please Chesterfield .
3 But it would be a superficial reading of club ideology to view the movement simply in terms of its ‘ rescue ’ work , for though this may have been so in the early days , it was never the sole aim which would imply a passivity hardly reconcilable with the ambitions of the founders of clubs , or with that of the missions and settlement houses .
4 However , allied to the improvement in companies ' financial position has been an increase in large companies ' liquidity ratios , to their highest level since the end of 1987 ( though this may have been partly at the cost of the liquidity of smaller companies , because of trade credit effect ) .
5 Now of course at this point , with many singers , one would have to change key , go into the minor , and report that , though this may have been the vocal prime , interpretative maturity still lay in the future , and that for artistic satisfaction one would have to turn to the well-known recordings of later years .
6 Thucydides ( ii.22 ) says that Pericles , as general in 431 , ‘ did not summon the Assembly ’ , and though this may have been just an exercise of personal authority , there is another passage ( iv .
7 The gravediggers discuss the unfairness of society and the way in which lives are treated ; and even though this may have been funny , it also made serious social comment .
8 They formed a proportion of new schools greater than the proportion of children they served ( though this may have been because they were more likely to have suffered from bombing in city centres ) .
9 This led to forced feedings of turkeys , and , after being voided , resultant germination of seeds of the tree which was on the verge of extinction , though this may have been exacerbated by the depredations of introduced monkeys , which take unripe fruits .
10 Butler-Sloss LJ said that the meaning of the words " trade secrets " had developed since Herbert Morris v Saxelby and was now interpreted in the wider context of " highly confidential information of a non-technical or non-scientific nature … " . 1.4 The employee 's skill and knowledge Although the courts are anxious to uphold the employer 's right to have his business secrets protected they have ensured that the employee is not prevented from using , once he has left his employer , the general skill and knowledge which he has acquired during employment even though this may have been acquired at some cost to the employer .
11 Uneven and limited though this might have been , the gulf between Disraeli 's two nations in the early and mid-nineteenth century became blurred and attenuated by the twentieth .
12 Since their prime purpose was to stable horses , and perhaps to accommodate their grooms ( though this could have been done in hay lofts at first-floor level ) , it is instructive to consider the space needs .
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