Example sentences of "though not [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This paper is partly about the rejection of certain accounts of autonomy though not with the rejection of the ideal of autonomy itself .
2 Though not with the confidence I used to .
3 The broadcasters were happy with the quality of the pictures ( though not with the sound ) and with the service they had received from CCTV , and the Committee was happy that the coverage of committees had been carried out both efficiently and resourcefully , and — for the most part — with sensitivity to the needs of committees .
4 This has happened in a number of developed countries — though not for the reasons given by Marx but primarily because of the growth of government and restrictive practices in labour markets .
5 She did need rescuing , though not for the reason he imagined .
6 Some kept fowl and/or a " Christmas pig " and that was always something to look forward to ( though not for the pig ) .
7 In the ‘ severely disadvantaged ’ LFA zone the rates of grant were changed in December 1984 to 50% for drainage ( formerly 70% ) and have been abolished for land cultivation ( formerly 50% ) though not for the reseeding of existing pasture ( where the new rate is 30% ) .
8 There have been several protest meetings in the city every day this week , though not on the scale of the Prague protest .
9 There have been several protest meetings in the city every day this week , though not on the scale of the Prague protest .
10 There is evidence at many points around the continent that more rock is exposed today than in the immediately recent past , and that there were several retreats during the present interglacial ( Péwé , 1960 ) , though not on the scale of the northern retreat .
11 Thus the conclusion must be that profitability of British industry declined , though not on the pattern suggested by Bacon and Eltis .
12 In succeeding years of wartime the annual conference continued to take place , though not at the seaside and not usually for a full week .
13 It was the unhappy love that taught me most about love 's nature — though not at the time , not until years later .
14 The barracks known as Allenby — though not to the locals — ; were pre-1939 Wehrmacht buildings , very solid and spacious but a little worn by now .
15 These cartels would protect industry against any post-war slump , and in return industry would co-operate with government economic policy , though not to the point of accepting restrictions on profits or investment .
16 Jobs may thus , in many instances , have been de-skilled to the extent that management has tighter control through fragmenting the tasks and more tightly specifying what should be done , though not to the extent of eliminating craft workers from the job .
17 Both Dalton and Alexander , the First Lord of the Admiralty , argued at meetings of the committee that Germany should be deprived of war-making industries , though not to the extent of the ‘ pastoralisation ’ proposed by Henry Morgenthau , the US Secretary of the Treasury , and accepted for a time by Churchill and Roosevelt at their meeting at Quebec in September 1944 .
18 Just out of sight and sound of Dorchester lies a quiet park on whose rising ground the Palladian house stands , built all of a piece in 1754 , though not to the mansion proportions its creator could have well afforded .
19 That requires a major re-examination of our programme — though not of the philosophy on which it is based .
20 Transfers are good , though not of the sort that take the unsuspecting listener by storm — and that listener may need a reminder that these are , after all , pre-electrical recordings in which an orchestra usually sounds like anything but .
21 A long and laborious analysis of affaires de coeur , though not of the explicitness we should expect today , was not to his taste .
22 The supreme organizer picture set out above , whose sub-modules are controlled but themselves conscious ( though not of the control itself ) , is a well-known theological pattern and has been explored elsewhere in detail : a God who is omnipotent , conscious , but not omniscient in that he can look into human brains while being unable to see what they are thinking .
23 In actual fact , some well-worn pioneer parabears have survived tramlines , television aerials and town markets , though not without the concern of fire brigades and other uniformed services !
24 So powerful did the Association feel itself to be that it declined to amalgamate into a nationally representative Shipping Federation which came into being in September 1890 , though it allowed its individual members to join if they wished and developed a working arrangement with it.Indeed the separatism of the Mersey shipowners lasted until 1967 when they eventually merged into a British Shipping Federation , though not under the title " Employers ' Labour Association " .
25 The proposed closure of the USM , though not before the end of 1996 ( it will remain open to new entrants until the end of next year ) has thrown sharply into focus the debate on how smaller companies find a way of closing the much quoted ‘ equity gap ’ which they and their advisers have long argued makes it harder for them to raise any significant degree of long-term capital other than debt finance .
26 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
27 It , too , must be an allegory , though not in the style of Rubens .
28 It thus becomes clear that the play of pronouns in the chiasmus of the narrative circuit through which the subject plays out its split existence does indeed function as an ‘ elementary structure of signification ’ in Thru , though not in the way Greimas intended .
29 Though not in the ERM , its currency was pegged to it and in September Sweden toughed out wild currency markets by whacking its interest rates sky-high for just long enough to scare off the cowboys .
30 First , as a criticism of the sheer impracticability of the grandiose project Owen had in 1833 put to the Grand Moral Union of the Productive Classes and which still survived in the objectives though not in the activities of its even shorter-lived successor , the Grand National Consolidated Trade Union , the Webbs ' case succeeds .
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