Example sentences of "council of [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He looked at my work and said I had talent , but that I needed " earnest practice in drawing " , to which I wholly agree : He also said he would be glad to take me as his " chela " but that my name and work must go before the council of professors of the Academy , which meets next Thursday , 17th inst. and that if they accepted me I could start work on the following Monday , 21st inst .
2 He must know , because we told him and everybody else at the time , that the directive on pregnant women went through the Council of Ministers on the European Community a few weeks ago , with only the Italians voting against .
3 A referendum held in 1980 rejected the restoration of political parties ( proscribed by the King in 1961 ) but decided in favour of retaining the panchayat system with limited reforms , namely ; ( i ) the election to the Rashtriya Panchayat by universal adult franchise of 112 members for a five-year term ( the remaining 28 members being nominated by the King ) ; and ( ii ) the appointment of the Council of Ministers on the recommendation of the Prime Minister ( elected by the Rashtriya Panchayat ) .
4 The King appoints the Prime Minister on the advice of the National Assembly , and the Council of Ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister .
5 ‘ In the end it is a political decision which will be taken by the council of ministers with the views of officials placed before them , ’ said Mr Claridge .
6 On 10 November the Council of Ministers for the Internal Market of the EEC reached agreement on two measures regarding the circulation of cultural goods as from 1993 .
7 The Regulation governing another sensitive area , the export of ‘ cultural goods ’ from the EEC , was finally agreed in Brussels , along with the Directive ( see pp. 1–2 ) , by the Council of Ministers for the internal market , on 10 November .
8 On his return from Baghdad on Jan. 14 Pérez de Cuéllar consulted in Paris with Jacques Poos , the Luxembourg Foreign Minister and President of the EC Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 .
9 The Luxembourg government , which held the presidency of the Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 , presented a redrafted draft union treaty on June 20 .
10 Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu , EC Commission President Jacques Delors and Ruud Lubbers , the Netherlands Prime Minister who held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1991 , held their first formal EC-Japanese summit in The Hague on July 18 immediately after the London G-7 summit [ see pp. 38321-22 ] .
11 Austria , which chaired the European Free Trade Area ( EFTA ) Council of Ministers for the first half of 1991 , continued to press for agreement with the EC on a common European economic area ( EEA ) [ see pp. 38353 ; 38307 ] , which Economic Affairs Minister Schüssel described in January 1991 as " an important interim step … along the path to full [ EC ] membership " .
12 The proposal , which was for a referendum on the dissolution of the Byelarus Supreme Soviet , was denounced in a statement by the Council of Ministers on March 4 as an attempt to increase " social tension and confrontation " by blaming the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Ministers for the recent drop in living standards .
13 The Commission had pressed for a 35 per cent reduction , while the latest compromise proposal by the Portuguese government ( which held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the first half of 1992 ) argued for a reduction of 27 per cent .
14 Late on Sept. 20 UK Prime Minister John Major ( whose country held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1992 ) announced that he would call an emergency summit to discuss ratification of the Treaty and to " deal with the particular problems in the foreign exchange markets in recent days , that have revealed shortcomings in the exchange rate mechanism system " .
15 John Major , Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , which held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1992 , declared that Edinburgh would " be remembered as the summit that put the Community back together " .
16 Two years later Francis Joseph showed that his controlling influence was a reality when , during the Balkan crisis of 1913 , he ignored the demand of the entire council of ministers for the presentation of an ultimatum to Montenegro .
17 Thus last year , the council of ministers of the EEC agreed to a £20 million research programme in materials , parts of which should boost recycling techniques and produce substitutes for the strategically important metals .
18 The current Transport Commissioner , Karel van Miert , is an ardent supporter of a pan-European rail network and is confident that he can succeed in persuading the Council of Ministers of the need for a fund .
19 This procedure was accepted by the foreign ministers of the other five states , serving in their capacity as the Council of Ministers of the ECSC .
20 When the Soviet Union intervened militarily in Afghanistan the British Foreign Secretary , Lord Carrington , rapidly proposed a plan for Afghanistan which was approved by the Council of Ministers of the EEC and adopted as a joint EEC declaration on 15 January 1980 .
21 Iran 's relations with other West European countries began to improve a few months after the initial call by Ayatollah Khomeini for Rushdie 's death , although Rafsanjani 's statement in May 1989 advocating the killing of five Westerners for every Palestinian killed in the occupied territories [ see pp. 36669-70 ] drew a strong rebuke from the Council of Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) .
22 The Italian Foreign Minister , Gianni De Michelis , speaking in his current capacity as President of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) , said that " I hope this is the first step towards complete compliance with UN resolutions " .
23 The 11th session of the Council of Ministers of the South Asian Association of Regional Co-Operation ( SAARC ) , held in Colombo , Sri Lanka , on July 8-9 , agreed to the drafting of a SAARC preferential trading agreement for submission to the SAARC summit in December 1992 .
24 This committee , which de Gaulle chaired , replaced the Council of Ministers as the main forum for the deliberation of Algerian policy .
25 The main responsibility will fall on the Irish Government , which takes over the presidency of the EC council of ministers at the end of the month , and the Italians , who take over in July .
26 The Community 's structure gives far too much weight to the Council of Ministers at the expense of the European Parliament , and most importantly , of the individual citizen .
27 The rubber stamp for the proposals could come at a meeting of the Community 's Council of Ministers at the end of June .
28 A State Council communiqué broadcast on April 1 announced the streamlining of Vietnam 's Council of Ministers through the merger of several previously separate portfolios .
29 The draft directive is expected to be adopted by the EEC council of ministers by the end of the year .
30 The best hope of breaking the current deadlock may lie in a threat by the European Parliament to take legal action against the Council of Ministers in the European Court of Justice .
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