Example sentences of "form [prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , colonial forms of English may have undergone change in ( h ) ; for example , there is evidence that , although Australasian English is [ h ] -ful now , it used to have [ h ] -dropping ( Trudgill , 1986a : 138–9 ) .
2 However , treatment studies show that special forms of treatment can have a positive effect on the psychological and social functioning of many patients , especially women .
3 It is a reasonable supposition , therefore , that anything that increases the community 's demand for liquid assets relative to other forms of wealth will cause a rise in the demand for bills .
4 Even quite ordinary forms of stress can have an exaggerated effect on an irritable bowel .
5 The official forms of order can seem anomic to those who are systematically treated as non-persons , since , as they pursue their lives , they have no stake in the society for whose maintenance that order exists .
6 But after Derrida 's essay , Foucault abandoned his claims that certain forms of literature could effect such a critical , reflective detachment .
7 There is little doubt that the Convention has not only produced an orderly framework within which the various forms of procedure can operate but has also , in the Central Authority system , produced a very successful and increasingly well-used mechanism .
8 Some forms of development could have significant effects on existing interests : the operator of a superstore , for example , is unlikely to welcome another one in the vicinity .
9 Work needs to be done to agree how these forms of communication will operate , and to ensure they are maintained and followed , despite crises and other pressures .
10 Lacan has had a tendency to privilege the linguistic signs but other psychoanalysts such as Jean Laplanche argue that visual and other sensory forms of communication can function as part of a language system .
11 We believe that mass media and other forms of communication must contribute to peace , justice and understanding .
12 The fear that is often expressed is that these new forms of cultivation will result in soil conditions analogous to the Oklahoma ‘ Dust Bowl ’ of the 1930s .
13 All forms of charity can have the same unfortunate , unintentional impact .
14 The hammered coin finds do not indicate the same form of activity that would have occurred at the time the weights would have been lost so two different forms of activity must have taken place .
15 Probably many urban employers in the new forms of manufacture would have liked more of their workers to have become self-disciplined Methodists , but it was the employers of the village-dwelling miners who could already appreciate the benefits by the beginning of the nineteenth century .
16 There are two alternative forms of conduct , and either of two forms of intent will suffice .
17 If it seems surprising that the same forms of rioting should recur from one place to another over lapses of time , it should be remembered that food rioting was neither an isolated nor a continuous form of popular action .
18 Those who deal with firearms are generally aware of the attendant risks , and the days when those involved in motoring and other forms of transport could make light of the risks to life have now long passed , as various air , sea , rail , and road disasters have occurred .
19 Medical researchers are becoming increasingly aware of the health and weight-control benefits of dietary fibre in general — but the indications are that different forms of fibre may perform different beneficial functions .
20 The relative concentrations of these two forms of phytochrome can influence many aspects of the plant 's life , including the formation of roots , the colour of leaves , and flowering .
21 Broader forms of care will need to be developed , and she believes it is up to nurse leaders to ‘ make it happen . ’
22 Once you have a marathon under your felt , other forms of running should seem easy .
23 Forms of proxy must reach the Company 's Share Registrars , or the registered office of the Company , not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for the holding of the meeting .
24 As we noted in Chapter 1 , both forms of reward can have a marked effect on behaviour .
25 Other forms of training might include sprint-stop running or speed skipping .
26 The evolutionist schemes are too abstract and simple to comprehend the diverse political systems which have emerged within the largely separate political histories of different regions of the world ; and in spite of all the qualifications that have been introduced they are too closely bound up with the idea of progress — if not unilinear then at least converging upon the same end — to entertain the possibility that political systems might be repeated , mutatis mutandis , in the course of history : that new kinds of autocracy or new forms of empire might succeed democratic regimes .
27 There is ample evidence that those ties remain strong even as the character of networks changes in other ways and thus these basic family links continue to be the first line of defence , the more so because other forms of association may weaken .
28 It is also that different forms of capitalism will produce different relationships between state and society and therefore different relationships between state institutions .
29 Bureaucratic forms of administration would reduce the state 's capacity to direct the economy effectively .
30 The latter form of interference may give rise to liability in nuisance .
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