Example sentences of "eye [vb pp] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And then , walking behind her at a rather greater distance than might have been thought usual , came Linnet Gage in a dress that fell from her tiny waist as gracefully and naturally as a waterfall , each diaphanous tulle frill overlapping the other with perfect simplicity , her face as delicate and beautiful as rare porcelain , her blue eyes clouded by a dream of remote but tantalizing sweetness , which also touched the corners of her lips , raising them very slightly in a smile of which every man present must have wished to know the secret .
2 The web of lines around Edward 's eyes wrinkled in a frown .
3 ‘ He looked over his shoulder at me , our eyes met for a split-second , then he rushed off and I screamed .
4 Their eyes met for a moment , then he looked away .
5 As he came through the hut again , the man was there , about to sign out , and their eyes met for a moment , and Cormack felt scared .
6 Their eyes met for a moment and Guido smiled back at her , flooding her heart with foolish pleasure .
7 Lear 's birds fill the page , stalking warily or glowering protectively over a half-dead prey ; his eagle owl , perhaps the most famous of all , glares menacingly from the shadows of twilight , its great yellow eyes mirrored by a lull moon .
8 Flipping lazily on to her back , she floated with her eyes closed for a moment , frowning as the sound of a door closing echoed around the pool .
9 Anorexic Primrose , thirteen years and five stones , delicate eyes closed against a world she refused to recognise , hands folded white and nun-like , or worse , beneath a sharp chin .
10 ‘ Nearly there now , ’ she said softly , and the fierce dark eyes opened for a moment .
11 Limping , sniffing , aware that the rain could have ruined her best velvet skirt , she stumbled along , her eyes peeled for a phone box .
12 Their eyes clashed for a moment , then Leonora shrugged .
13 His eyes lit with a gleam which frightened her badly .
14 Charlotte had been the first to make the connection ; her eyes lit with a spark of alert intelligence which was meant as a communication , and as briefly acknowledged by a warning flicker of George 's glance in her direction .
15 His swift intake of breath and the shock that flashed across his face mirrored her own as their eyes locked in a split-second of naked honesty .
16 She floated above and ahead of them , and her eyes narrowed onto a shimmer of water at a hairpin bend .
17 ‘ The most extraordinary thing happened , ’ he explained , ‘ I was sitting here ( at his desk in Kensington palace ) , and I happened to look at the bookshelf , and my eyes settled on a book about Paracelsus .
18 Ranging around the crowded bar , his eyes settled on a group by the window .
19 His eyes settled on a restaurant called Mr Scallini which had opened at 139 .
20 Leila , his girlfriend , has John Lennon 's other pair of glasses , but behind her pair are sparkling eyes set in a face that is always cheerful .
21 Their eyes collided with a force that deafened and blinded Isabel to everything else .
22 — behind eyes gone into a stillness beyond dancing
23 It can be quite difficult working at something with needle and yarn with your eyes glued to a diagram but this I had to do .
24 She looked hastily away — and found her eyes glued to a body that had no business being so magnetically attractive .
25 The woman was beautiful , her delicately fine face capped with shining ash-blonde hair , her blue eyes enhanced by a flutter of dark lashes .
26 Their eyes held for a moment and a slow smile began to grow on the darkly handsome face .
27 Kate 's eyes burned with a fury that was fast reducing her to speechlessness .
28 Then his eye chanced on a sheet headed ‘ The Sparrows ’ .
29 But then her eye lit on a tank of juvenile Uaru …
30 Coffin 's eye rested on a detail in the photograph .
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