Example sentences of "eye [verb] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Allowed my eyes to wander over the whole of it , he wrote , and almost with satisfaction .
2 Her eyes moved over the room too .
3 She paused to give her words maximum effect and let her eyes flit over the assembly .
4 Malc struck his usual pose : hands in pockets , shoulders hunched , eyes peering over the top of his specs .
5 His eyes played over the building in front of them — a jumble of towers , crenellations and massive walls with a sagging Rag of St George above the gatehouse picked out in the beam of a spotlight .
6 Like death he looked , with a handkerchief held up against his face all bloodied , and his black eyes glaring over the top of it .
7 Then , as her eyes swept over the crowd clustered round the stage , she did a double-take , spotting one figure much larger and more powerful than the rest .
8 Her eyes swept over the audience as far as she could see beyond the footlights .
9 His eyes drifted over the side .
10 Now she reached the main doors and walked in , eyes flicking over the sea of faces in search of Mahoney .
11 Dexter let his eyes play over the clutter designed to bless the pub with a friendly air : two post horns slung like bombs from the ceiling , mock Tudor beams , lines of plates balanced on every available ledge , and a grubby portrait of the Queen hung in dusty splendour above the bar .
12 That day ’ wherever he went , decision and order followed him ’ As his eyes roved over the terrain , speedily the agile mind made its appreciation .
13 Nervously his eyes flicked over the screen .
14 Bicker shrugged , but his eyes flicked over the fire for a second to Riven .
15 Her eyes ran over the company for a moment , and then she turned away to go inside again .
16 ‘ From the windows ’ wrote Johnson , ‘ the eye wanders over the sea that separates Scotland from Norway , and when the winds beat with violence must enjoy all the terrifick grandeur of the tempestuous ocean .
17 If you let your eye rove over the map , it is pretty obvious that one of the new towns should be near the Channel Tunnel and another near the new Stansted Airport .
18 D'Arcy sensed Chantal 's critical eye roving over the décor .
19 His eye roved over the diagram of streets and parks .
20 The disorientating effect of the upward-tilted deck encourages the eye to rove over the scene .
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