Example sentences of "british [noun] at the time " in BNC.

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1 Although the Bury to Heywood line has been disused since 1980 , the majority of track remains in place thanks to the persuasive powers that Rochdale Council exerted on British Rail at the time .
2 The films had a sense of urgency that the rest of mainstream British cinema at the time largely lacked , but their directors did n't have enough personal contact with the lives of their characters to offer visions that rang true .
3 There also appeared to be less dissension on state aid and subsidies , a subject given added poignancy by the recent revelations about the UK Government 's ‘ sweeteners ’ to British Aerospace at the time of the takeover of Rover .
4 Following the Commission 's order of June 28 , 1990 , that the £42,900,000 in " sweeteners " paid to British Aerospace at the time of its purchase of the Rover motor group should be repaid , the UK government announced that it was suing British Aerospace for the return of the money , and Rover for another £1,500,000 [ see pp. 37582-83 ] .
5 First , it failed to take account of the fact that British industry at the time was undergoing traumatic upheavals and that the impact of this upon firms had to be recognized if the need to decentralize in the first place was to be understood .
6 One British reaction at the time to the greening of the Kremlin shows quite starkly how much political perceptions have changed in the short space since the autumn of 1988 .
7 The context of these submissions is the undertaking given by British Steel at the time of privatisation that it would consider commercial offers for the steel mill facilities if it no longer had a use for them .
8 As ADF Gascoigne , the British Consul at the time , said in a despatch , Tangier was ‘ a plundered town ’ .
9 When asked if they would like subventions from the state to aid their stipends and church buildings , a move which was being seriously considered by the British government at the time , priests and bishops were united in rejecting the idea on the grounds that it would drive a wedge between clergy and people , identifying clergy with the principal enemies of the people .
10 on that point er would the er minister indicate whether or not the British government supports the attitude of the French government because of course the British government at the time of the Edinburgh summit were wholly in favour of the agreement to require the European parliament to meet both in Brussels and in Strasbourg and therefore I assume that there 's an identity of interest between the British government and the French government on this question since the French government are maintaining their er opposition to the er six extra seats simply because they want to see a new parliament building constructed in Strasbourg , is that a position that the British government supports ?
11 Giovanna Sassanta had given Julia a rather different view of the fighting in the Cassino valley from the one she had gained from the British newspapers at the time .
12 But with hindsight , the effects of such works can seem limited in comparison with the impact of other , more structural , changes that were taking place within British culture at the time .
13 He was by no means a major figure in British politics at the time , though this had not prevented his being offered in 1920 , when he was a mere back-bench MP , the governor-generalship of South Africa — an offer which was withdrawn when the South Africans pressed their desire for someone more important .
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