Example sentences of "both [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two-way telemetry was used to compensate both for the atmospheric effects and for the first-order Doppler shift due to the relative velocity of the masers .
2 Conveyancers are not normally expected to act as negotiators and , if estate agents are involved , it is important to make certain that they have fully and finally settled the price , both for the legal estate in the property and for any extras , such as fixtures and fittings , or even any chattels that might be left at the property .
3 Risk estimates certainly appear to be relatively malleable , there is evidence that increasing the availability in memory of risk-related information alters people 's subsequent assessments of risk both for the overall frequency of lethal events ( Lichtenstein et al.
4 The taking of instructions is of cardinal importance , both for the economic running of a matter and for the client_conveyancer relationship .
5 The control over local affairs that the new system entrusted to the agent of the central government was held responsible both for the electoral mechanics which distorted parliamentary liberalism and for the decay of local citizenship .
6 In this situation , the rapid incorporation of Labour 's War Aims into what looked like an Allied propaganda offensive posed complex questions both for the Labour leadership and for the peace movement .
7 Mrs Shepherd sees no incompatibility in her dual role as Minister for Agriculture and Food and that it was ‘ nonsense ’ for anyone to state that it was inappropriate to be responsible both for the agricultural industry and the quality and safety of food .
8 I believe that this arrangement of letters is even easier to read and to scan for items of particular interest and relevance , both for the general practitioner and during further hospital follow up .
9 A dilemma was posed both for the new Queen and for the Archbishop .
10 The USA was to contribute US$25,000,000 ; funding both for the new science centre , and for help in moving and storing nuclear warheads safely , would come out of a US$400,000,000 fund approved by Congress in 1991 to help dismantle and remove Soviet nuclear weapons .
11 And in fact , even with as many professionals as one would wish it 's often extremely difficult to actually engage people in treatment erm , and the whole process of getting people into treatment or into health can be very difficult , both for the young person and for the therapist or helper involved .
12 In the case of adolescents , this course can have important repercussions both for the individual woman and for the society though , in some countries , social policy moderates the incidence of the phenomenon and cushions its effect .
13 However , their analysis goes beyond encouraging us to ’ vote with our feet ’ , to a condemnation of consumerism itself : Both for the environmental destruction it causes and the damaging messages it sends women through ads that constantly tell us we 're ’ not being discreet enough ’ .
14 The agonies of the north , both for the local populace and for the king and realm , were by no means at an end yet , but in Edward II 's reign they reached a scale unapproached before and not exceeded afterwards .
15 The fact that Nonconformists were so prominent in the new financial institutions became a source of deep concern , both for the landed classes , who had by now largely severed any ties they had once had with Dissent , and also for the old Tory financial interests in the City , who saw their former economic ascendancy being eclipsed .
16 Scorton is entered both for the 1993 Britain in Bloom and the Best Kept Village competitions .
17 Not only does this clarify the nature of the authorities competent to issue and execute letters rogatory but it makes mandatory as between parties to the Protocol the use of Central Authorities both for the outward transmission and inward receipt of letters rogatory ; that there is an obligation to designate a Central Authority , a matter not wholly clear in the text of the Convention , is specifically provided in Article 2 of the Protocol .
18 The crystallographic results show a good correlation which the modelling results , both for the extreme B I and B II states and for the intermediate transition region , although there is a bigger scatter of ε values in the B II zone than the modelling would suggest .
19 Developmentally , dialogue comes first , both for the human species , and for the human individual .
20 she obviously took them both for the same thing did n't she ?
21 It is customarily assumed that the five years and eight months between the outbreak of war with Nazi Germany in September 1939 and the final collapse of that power in May 1945 was an epoch of ever-increasing radicalism , both for the British electorate and for the Labour Party itself .
22 Both for the nocturnal owls and the diurnal raptors the sample of predator species has been designed to encompass as wide a range as possible for body weight and pellet size .
23 Failure history is available for any circuit area , both for the particular unit under test , and for all other units of that type .
24 As described in the Appendix , we have done this both for the corporate business sector as a whole and for the crucial , and sensitive , manufacturing sector .
25 But instead of a dubious and uneconomic increase in agricultural output , we would have a general uplift both for the permanent resident and the passer-by .
26 New nominations will be submitted by the Thursday , under the same procedure and with the same arrangements for consultation as described in paragraphs 4–9 for the first ballot , both for the original candidates if required and for any other candidates .
27 This entailed a dual arrangement : an ordained regular abbot ( i.e. a monk , one who followed a regula , or rule ) ran the community 's liturgical work and day-to-day upkeep from the inside , while , from the outside , a lay aristocrat assumed control of the community 's landed endowment along with responsibility both for the military service owed to the king from the men beneficed on the monastery 's lands , and often for hospitality at the monastery for the king and his entourage .
28 This is not to say that they convey the same sense , nor that they necessarily refer to the same event ; but given what we know , both about the real world and the fictional world , it is reasonable to infer from each the same event .
29 Many of the suspicions which existed when the unit was set up , both about the political motivation for its creation and the likely effects of national monitoring on the curriculum , have been allayed ( if not entirely put to rest ) by the way in which the exercise has been carried out , by the sensitivities displayed by the monitoring teams , by the way in which groups of teachers up and down the country have been involved in the development , trialling and pre-testing of materials , and by the cool , impartial way in which the results have been presented .
30 Underlying the 1944 Report are assumptions both about the moral advantages of boarding and about the centrality of the grammar school and its curriculum .
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