Example sentences of "pay for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He payed for the education of children from the families who could n't afford it , and the ablest of the children he sent to university .
2 He was outstanding in charity and compassion , paying for the release of prisoners who were detained for debts and succouring families in time of need , but giving strict charge that they should not acknowledge the source of this help .
3 Okay , ninety , ninety-five per cent of the premium is actually paying for the level of cover .
4 Salon perms are expensive because you are paying for the expertise of the technician and their time — an average perm takes approx. two hours for short to mid-length hair , more if hair is longer .
5 At the coal face , the butties were responsible for the actual mining processes , overseen by colliery company officials ; the butties were in charge of organizing and paying for the winning of coal , though not in all cases for its transport to the pithead .
6 ‘ Perhaps now you can appreciate my dilemma — about paying for the damage to your car ? ’
7 In Lesotho , the US Agency for International Development is paying for the installation of Robbins & Myers pumps , made in the US .
8 This did not prevent him paying for the installation of a swimming pool to amuse his children who roamed around their new domain during the holidays .
9 Had she driven poor Tina away by hesitating about paying for the installation of a bathroom ?
10 Brenninkmeyer , together with funding from the federal government and the Land , are paying for the work to be done before the treasures go back on display in Quedlinburg next summer .
11 and doing that you 're paying for the opportunity of having erm other services
12 In addition , any covenant requiring the tenant to appeal against a refusal of planning permission ( particularly at the cost of the tenant ) should be resisted as the tenant could find itself paying for the cost of the landlord appealing against a refusal of planning permission for the redevelopment of the premises at the end of term , where the tenant may wish to take a renewal of the lease .
13 Besides , I 'm paying for the betrayal by telling them about the body .
14 Many cities run the trees through chippers , paying for the operation by selling the mulch or using it in public parks .
15 They were introduced in the seventeenth century as a method of paying for the upkeep of highways when other methods had failed .
16 Farmers have the extra cost of paying for the upkeep of many drainage ditches to control flooding .
17 Russia took 75 per cent ; Moldova and Ukraine would finance in full the troops on their territories and participate in financing joint forces through absolute contributions ; Tajikistan , Kirgizstan and Turkmenistan were not paying for the upkeep of troops on their territory .
18 It also has the dubious privilege of paying for the administration of the board .
19 UB is paying for the acquisition by the issue of £9 million-worth of shares , with the balance in cash .
20 With a statutory duty to promote standardisation , the nationalised Boards were willing to go ahead with these schemes , paying for the conversion of consumers ' apparatus as well as of their own mains , even where the returns to themselves were not adequate .
21 The National Gallery is paying for the conservation of the painting .
22 This represents a notional calculation of the benefit gained by living in one 's own house or , in other words , the rent which one would consider paying for the use of the house .
23 But then you 're paying for the use of the boat as well are n't you ?
24 We paid for the holiday with just with change out of our pocket
25 During 1484 he and his fellow goldsmith Thomas Wood paid for the insertion of a bay window bearing their arms in the eastern wall of the Hall .
26 With her literary earnings she paid for the education of a young sister , who became her amanuensis and moved to Edinburgh with her in 1847 .
27 Then , just out of curiosity , who paid for the hotel in Dublin ?
28 ‘ I paid for the rent for the villa , which I arranged myself with a Belgian count who owned it , and also paid the air fares for all the Mellors , ’ she said .
29 I do n't think you know who shot Jay Hammond , but I 'm sure you know who paid for the job to be done .
30 On the other hand the person in the street appears doomed to see ever more of the countryside becoming inaccessible , pay higher food prices , and through higher taxes pay for the storage of grain mountains , beef mountains , wine lakes and so on .
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