Example sentences of "often [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Crucially , the psychoanalytic rationalization of sexual difference as a tragic split which in turn effects the failure of identity often goes along with an account of the alleged narcissistic limitations and failures of homosexuality .
2 In fact , contrary to a persistent theme in neoclassical economics , competition between giant ‘ dominant firms ’ is often fiercer than the competition between small enterprises in unconcentrated markets : increasing scale often goes along with the development of a keener rationality of profit .
3 Highly-viscous lavas are always concerned in Peleean eruptions ; as we saw earlier , a dome or plug of lava often builds up within the crater concerned , blocking the throat of the volcano , so that the pressures building up beneath can only be relieved by vigorous explosions , which may be directed either upwards or sideways , blasting out as nuees ardentes .
4 A spatter cone or spatter ring consisting exclusively of welded cow-pats often builds up around the vent .
5 Thus responsibility for the discharged patient often ends up with the GP , whether this outcome is planned or not , and few GPs have been prepared by vocational training for a more involved role in community care services .
6 Of course , where the wealth goes is a problem , since it often ends up in a few hands .
7 Now this kind of behaviour often ends up in a fierce debate about guidebook descriptions and grades of the participants ' favourite routes .
8 In cases of childhood eczema for example , the child often grows out of the condition .
9 The process of rehearsal draws upon a training which often reaches back into the singer 's boyhood , which provides him with the directed quickness of mind and the vocal stamina he requires , and which ensures that the choral results are generally quite passable and are sometimes excellent despite the constant absences , deputizations , hirings and firings that always threaten the homogeneity of what can be achieved .
10 In this stage the focus often shifts on to the victim and her conduct , since a typical defence of the accused man is that the woman consented .
11 Interest often shifts on to the woman , and the interaction between the sex criminal and his victim .
12 Trotting a bait down at the same depth you have seen them turning very often pays off with a fish or two .
13 Christopher Jabelman often stops by for a chat during the day , but this is different .
14 Even the research listed by the ‘ independent ’ Police Foundation or undertaken at the University Centres for Criminological Research ( and largely dependent on government grants and funding by such bodies as the Economic and Social Research Council ) often comes up against the anti — intellectual bias which permeates all levels in police thinking ( Lewis 1976 ) .
15 He often comes down to the evening meal drained and exhausted after a day of writing his name at the bottom of letters like these .
16 He often comes in of an evenin' and he took one look at the cow and told me what to do .
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