Example sentences of "often [vb pp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Special governors and appointees ( often placed directly by the Emperor )
2 In such places , ditches , which have a critical job to do in carrying away flood-water , are often filled up to the top with loose soil , following a ‘ blow ’ .
3 The need for a database administrator is clearly recognised in the methodology , although the role is often filled late in the life of the project , perhaps when it is too late .
4 Females are often limited further by the necessity to rear offspring by brooding or lactation .
5 This type of borrowing is often explained more by the trading practices of the lenders than by the wishes or choice of the borrowers .
6 The heroine in her scenario is , for example , ‘ often carried away by the anti-hero , but rescued either by her Father or the Hero — often reduced to support herself & her Father by her Talents & work for her Bread ; — continually cheated & defrauded of her hire , worn down to a Skeleton , & now & then starved to death ’ .
7 For Tagalogs , it is a rather amoral possibility : violent individuals are respected , but there is a less than human quality about them and violent acts are often carried out under the cover of a real or assumed drunkenness .
8 In brief , requisitioning was unpopular , not least since it was often carried out in the period between spring and autumn when trading and fishing conditions might normally be expected to be better than at other times of the year .
9 Routine maintenance work is often carried out in the early hours at the centre when workmen can avoid causing disruption to shoppers .
10 He was hitting huge distances down wind but his shots to the green failed to bite and often rolled on into the rough beyond .
11 This is often picked up by the programmers , who then make the system more secure . ’
12 The street culture of working-class youth was often attacked directly by the police ; and changes in the education system after the introduction of state elementary education after 1870 also had its effects .
13 ‘ I 'm afraid that my husband is often caught up at the hospital and so I simply do n't know whether he will be free . ’
14 The larger books ( folio ) are often grouped together on the lower shelves of a particular stack or in a separate sequence of shelves .
15 The two of them had often met socially in the old days , with their respective partners , at evenings in the Green Dragon , the local pub in the village of Welton , ten miles from Hull , where Horsley lived in a magnificent stone house which , he always stressed , did not have a drive .
16 A further problem is that handwritten letters are contextually dependent on the surrounding letters ( e.g. the letter e is often written differently in the words gent and rent ) .
17 They were often seen together in the extensive grounds of Littlecote and also in the lonely alehouses in the sparse villages of the district .
18 It is often seen only in the legal sense : severing birth parents ' responsibilities to the child and transferring them to adopters .
19 Anyone resident in a house could be held liable for the support of other household members , which meant that a wage-earning son or daughter often moved out of the home in order not to diminish the unemployed parents ' entitlement to benefit .
20 This is the flat leaf of powdery chalk , the cuttle bone , that is often washed up on the seashore .
21 Urban growth is often reflected morphologically by the appearance of a distinctive central area .
22 In other words , they formed the public religious community , and so the words ‘ covenant ’ and ‘ circumcision ’ are often used interchangeably in the post-exilic writings .
23 ( Prior to World War I , where gas had been available for cooking , it was often used only for the Sunday dinner . )
24 Their quarterly meetings were anodyne affairs , chaired by a genial buffer named George Mackie ( later Lord Mackie of Benshie ) , whose deliberations were too often bogged down in the drearier aspects of Liberal Party policy .
25 Here they have often incised deeply into the sandstone rocks , producing steep-sided ravines whose depth often belies the size of the stream that created it .
26 The success of a system is often bound up with the success of the state that is its main proponent .
27 The disk is very delicate and often damaged particularly in the centre .
28 Nowadays , because the symptoms are so similar , it is often lumped together under the general name ‘ Cystitis ’ .
29 Most readers of this book are likely to have grown up in one or other of the many contemporary versions of what are often lumped together under the general label " modern industrial societies " .
30 The focus on class fragments is , however , often based less on the problem of exploitation than on a Romantic vision of the working class as an authentic humanity , whose sensuality and desires are preferable and proper .
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